RE: Christian's attacking my 6 yo daughter with their BS!
March 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm
(March 25, 2015 at 10:01 am)Faith No More Wrote: Is that what you seriously think you're doing? I think maybe you should look up the word "hypocritical." Do you honestly think a parent wanting to protect their child is worthy of calling them a douchebag?
Yes 90% of the time when parents are 'protecting their children' they are being douche bags, and they turn their kids into little d-bags too.
Brakeman want to raise a fuss over what amounts to an easter egg hunt, in the name of 'protecting his kids.' That old sport is being a douche bag of the highest caliber
Quote:What you fail to realize in your ever-present simplicity is that this about one set of parents overstepping their bounds with someone else's child.
grow up, take the chip off your shoulder and the stick out of your butt. it's an easter egg hunt.
Quote:I know your feeble brain can't understand that religions are just about beliefs, because you clearly have no problem with people manipulating other people's children to push yours. Religious beliefs are not something a six year-old's mind can fully comprehend, and signing someone else's child's name to a religious commitment in a religious book without parental consent is so morally reprehensible that it borders on criminal.
What is their to comperhend. The easter bunny hides eggs and prizes and the kids look for them.. Maybe in the end for 10 mins someone talks about jesus. what do you really think the kids takeaway from that event is going to be?
Don't be a overprotective douche. it an EASTER EGG HUNT!
Quote:What's really disgusting, though, is that it's not enough for you to embarrass yourself with your complete failure to comprehend situations and see the true picture. It's that you do it with this pious, self-righteous dickhead routine.

I'm a pious self righteous person because i dont see a big deal in an easter egg hunt?
Quote:You claim to live your life by the bible, so I'm starting to wonder what part it says to run around being a raging asshole with a superiority complex.
I don't have feelings of being inferior (look up a term if you truly don't know the defination to it)
In things like your mis use of a word, but nazi like attention to it's spelling makes me want to shake you people. I don't rag on you for not using words correctly anywhere to the degree I have been chastized for spelling them incorrectly.
I am in this case and like with brake man point back to the planks hanging out of your own eye. Believe in Jesus or not maybe you should take the plank out of your own eye before digging at the speck in mine.
(Don't look now but there is your verse.)
(March 25, 2015 at 9:14 am)FatAndFaithless Wrote: Here's a novel idea. Stop tossing in that fucking smiley in every other post if you want to be taken anything close to seriously.
That comment my brother contains all the hall marks of someone with a superiority complex. (look it up don't assume you know what it means)
Because someone who is confident in what they say can be laughed at without the need to address the laughter. (unless asked to

Quote:Whose stripping your rights again?
IDK who took prayer out of school? Who took our rights to celibrate Holy-Days in our schools? Who demanded that the tradition started at the founding of capitol building of using it for Christian worship be stopped?
Quote:Ethics being challenged? Where?
What good is pointing out something in a picture if the person your point it out to is blind?
Quote:You live in pure fantasy land.
you live here too. Just OPEN YOUR EYES!