In this thread I will be talking about the 3 stages that made me believe in Islam and that it is the truth I will start with atheism then agnosticism and at last the reasons that made me believe
I was born in a Muslim family that wasn’t that religious and until I was 22 years old I didn’t care much about being religious then my best friend father died and I was responsible to put him in the grave it was really scary and that was the start to make me think about what will happen to me after death. I was really confused as my information about religion was so limited to my study in the school which was really not deep and also not satisfying for any questions in my head the first question comes in to my head was the normal question of everyone who created god?
It took me a long time thinking about that which was very stupid as this question even if it have an answer it have no end and also no one ever said that god is created. then I started thinking that maybe we are created by chance or by something we don’t understand but the question was getting so complicated in my head until I found the right question to be asked which I see is the end question it’s the only question that if answered will have an end which is what was before existence? This lead me to another question which is how did we come from none existence to existence? This question has only 2 possible answers
1-that we came by chance and we don’t know how,
2-there is something that always existed and we don’t know how
I kept thinking about these 2 questions with no answers at all. all I get is a headache but no answers then I started asking myself could I ever know the answer of this questions? I admitted that I will never know the answer of these questions except in 2 cases:
1-if we saw something that existed forever (which is impossible as we all has beginning and end)
2-other case was if we create non existence (which I can't even imagine)
And this was really annoying me and I was not able to continue my life without knowing for sure what will happen after that. I was like 70% saying that there is god for the following reasons:
1-there is a system in everything (if we came by chance nothing will be in a system everything will happen by chance)
2-we never saw anything coming to existence from non existence without someone doing something (I existed and I didn’t create myself so somebody must have created me)
3-why do we have the ability to think and choose better than animals (as that wasn’t essential for our survival)?
4-there are a lot of different species even a human being no one is like the other we are all different in a lot of things (why don’t we find human that look exactly like each other in everything even by chance)
5-how did the life (spirit) come from?
6-there are a lot of things that if changed a little in the natural laws it will end our existence. How these things are so constant (like gravity, water, air …etc)?
7-why doesn't each planet have living creatures with functions that goes with the nature of this planet?
That was some of the reasons according to my knowledge at this time that made me preferring that there is something powerful behind everything and we will never understand by trying to know what was the beginning (I was trying to find other ways that can prove the existence of god) the 30% percent was for the questions I don’t have an answer to (was actually a lot).
So the questions I want to know what you think about is:
1-do you think we could in one day understands what non existence is and how we come from none existence to existence?
2-what was before the existence?
3-can we ever understand eternity (and also no beginning)?
4-do you think that there is other ways to prove god existence without trying to ask questions we can't find an answer to (like who created god and what was before this?)
5-do you think that there is a proof that god doesn’t exist? (Percentage of existence or non existence in your opinion with the reasons)?
Then was the point I started searching in different religions (my next thread) as I think human cant make up something with no errors or contradiction even if it contains no error in their time it will have a lot of errors as our knowledge increase and also that if there is god he will surely contact us in any way or tell us why we are here and what we are suppose to do
NB: I wrote this thread according to my knowledge from 4 years and not according to my knowledge about Islam or any other believe so am not talking as a Muslim am talking as someone who was searching for the reality of our life and I ignored any answers I found when searching in different religions and also this is not the reasons that made me a believer that was just the first stage I passed through
I was born in a Muslim family that wasn’t that religious and until I was 22 years old I didn’t care much about being religious then my best friend father died and I was responsible to put him in the grave it was really scary and that was the start to make me think about what will happen to me after death. I was really confused as my information about religion was so limited to my study in the school which was really not deep and also not satisfying for any questions in my head the first question comes in to my head was the normal question of everyone who created god?
It took me a long time thinking about that which was very stupid as this question even if it have an answer it have no end and also no one ever said that god is created. then I started thinking that maybe we are created by chance or by something we don’t understand but the question was getting so complicated in my head until I found the right question to be asked which I see is the end question it’s the only question that if answered will have an end which is what was before existence? This lead me to another question which is how did we come from none existence to existence? This question has only 2 possible answers
1-that we came by chance and we don’t know how,
2-there is something that always existed and we don’t know how
I kept thinking about these 2 questions with no answers at all. all I get is a headache but no answers then I started asking myself could I ever know the answer of this questions? I admitted that I will never know the answer of these questions except in 2 cases:
1-if we saw something that existed forever (which is impossible as we all has beginning and end)
2-other case was if we create non existence (which I can't even imagine)
And this was really annoying me and I was not able to continue my life without knowing for sure what will happen after that. I was like 70% saying that there is god for the following reasons:
1-there is a system in everything (if we came by chance nothing will be in a system everything will happen by chance)
2-we never saw anything coming to existence from non existence without someone doing something (I existed and I didn’t create myself so somebody must have created me)
3-why do we have the ability to think and choose better than animals (as that wasn’t essential for our survival)?
4-there are a lot of different species even a human being no one is like the other we are all different in a lot of things (why don’t we find human that look exactly like each other in everything even by chance)
5-how did the life (spirit) come from?
6-there are a lot of things that if changed a little in the natural laws it will end our existence. How these things are so constant (like gravity, water, air …etc)?
7-why doesn't each planet have living creatures with functions that goes with the nature of this planet?
That was some of the reasons according to my knowledge at this time that made me preferring that there is something powerful behind everything and we will never understand by trying to know what was the beginning (I was trying to find other ways that can prove the existence of god) the 30% percent was for the questions I don’t have an answer to (was actually a lot).
So the questions I want to know what you think about is:
1-do you think we could in one day understands what non existence is and how we come from none existence to existence?
2-what was before the existence?
3-can we ever understand eternity (and also no beginning)?
4-do you think that there is other ways to prove god existence without trying to ask questions we can't find an answer to (like who created god and what was before this?)
5-do you think that there is a proof that god doesn’t exist? (Percentage of existence or non existence in your opinion with the reasons)?
Then was the point I started searching in different religions (my next thread) as I think human cant make up something with no errors or contradiction even if it contains no error in their time it will have a lot of errors as our knowledge increase and also that if there is god he will surely contact us in any way or tell us why we are here and what we are suppose to do
NB: I wrote this thread according to my knowledge from 4 years and not according to my knowledge about Islam or any other believe so am not talking as a Muslim am talking as someone who was searching for the reality of our life and I ignored any answers I found when searching in different religions and also this is not the reasons that made me a believer that was just the first stage I passed through