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Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
(April 21, 2016 at 3:59 pm)abaris Wrote:
(April 21, 2016 at 3:18 pm)paulpablo Wrote: So why does the quran say confine them to a house?

Take it from there and come to your own conclusions.

Yes, and that's in the context I was talking about the quran.  The question of it being an up to date perfectly good peaceful reliable moral compass.

The question of why does it say that if it also says there's no compulsion in religion.

Then in the rest of the post I said it doesn't matter much anyway since the confining to a house might not be a punishment related to not accepting religion and so on and so on or have anything to do with compulsion in religion.

Below is what you seem to have concluded I said because of.....I don't know?  The lack of ability to form logical conclusions maybe.

The quran sure is barbaric and all Muslims in all Islamic cultures lock their wives in houses because of this verse around the world, the greeks and the other people who were more civilized than Muslims never used to do things like this.

Now if I had said that then I'd give your rebuttal kudos because it would be perfectly logical and related to the subject I'm typing about, but as usual it isn't.  It's another stawman argument, coupled with sarcasm, as you would say, business as usual.

Are you ready for the fire? We are firemen. WE ARE FIREMEN! The heat doesn’t bother us. We live in the heat. We train in the heat. It tells us that we’re ready, we’re at home, we’re where we’re supposed to be. Flames don’t intimidate us. What do we do? We control the flame. We control them. We move the flames where we want to. And then we extinguish them.

Impersonation is treason.

RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
(April 19, 2016 at 11:58 am)Alex K Wrote: Because Islam is demonstrably better and more true than Christianity. The biggest atrocities in history have been committed by Christian population, such as under Stalin and Hitler

The ultimate trolololololol.

RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
I'm reading a book right now which has an interesting take on this issue.  It's called The Lost History of Christianity by J. P. Jenkins and he makes the case that the extent of early muslim atrocities varied by the time and place.  It was far less complete than you imagine.

Quote:The particular shape of Christianity with which we are familiar is a radical departure from what was for well over a millennium the historical norm: another, earlier global Christianity once existed. For most of its history, Christianity was a tricontinental religion, with powerful representation in Europe, Africa, and Asia, and this was true into the fourteenth century. Christianity became predominantly European not because this continent had any obvious affinity for that faith, but by default: Europe was the continent where it was not destroyed.

-pg 18

As an example he mentions Egypt and North Africa.  Coptic xtianity remained well entrenched among the population in Egypt and about 10% of the population of Egypt today is Coptic.  In North Africa - Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco - the home of the famous church father Tertullian - it was noted that there were 500 bishoprics in the 6th century while by the 8th it was hard to find any so completely had xtianity been repressed.  I'm still mulling over Jenkins' arguments for this fact but it is clear muslim invaders approached two large xtian populations in Egypt and North Africa differently and with different results.  They were not merely swinging scimitars.

In the quote above he notes that xtianity in Asia - in the form of Nestorian and Jacobin movements (heresies as far as the mucky-mucks in Rome and Byzantium were concerned) co-existed generally peacefully until the 14th century when the shit hit the fan.  This should be a fun read.
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
I feel like The Abrahamic religions in general are the worst religions because they openly proselytise. You can't live in a predominantly Christian or Muslim society without running into people who are intolerant of your personal life choices. When these religions are given power, that intolence very rapidly escalates into violence.

And in the 21st century, that's the difference between Christianity and Islam, power. If radical hardline Christians want to push for legislation to suit their agendas, their movement will be squashed by secular laws and social ridicule across The Western World. When it's hardcore Muslims? They not only have financial and political backing by several Islamic states which are governed by Sharia Law, they also have white-guilt-ridden Western apologists delusionally defending their "culture" like it's so benign and advanced. They can get organised.

It's a conservative culture overall. I know there are liberal Muslims out there, who are feminists, LGBT, secularists, they do exist, they are out there, but that's not the same as Islam as a whole culture being such. It's still a conservative culture overall. People are a product of their environments and their upbringings, if you are raised in ultraconservative religious surroundings you are more likely to grow up conservative. That's not a bigoted idea, it makes sense.
"Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the road, and then getting hit by an airplane"  - sarcasm_only

"Ironically like the nativist far-Right, which despises multiculturalism, but benefits from its ideas of difference to scapegoat the other and to promote its own white identity politics; these postmodernists, leftists, feminists and liberals also use multiculturalism, to side with the oppressor, by demanding respect and tolerance for oppression characterised as 'difference', no matter how intolerable."
- Maryam Namazie

RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
(April 21, 2016 at 3:09 pm)AtlasS33 Wrote:
(April 21, 2016 at 9:01 am)Chad32 Wrote: Confine them until death takes them sounds like lock them in a room until they starve to death.

The Quran is a 600 page book; when a sentence is to be fetched, is must assert to the 600 pages; going in parallel with all of the other verses, you see the logic of the book is such a tough one, that it really doesn't contradict itself.

The woman can save her life simply by abandoning the faith, if she's a non-Muslim then sentences of Muslims don't go on her. A sentence like this, is a personal choice, so that our sins get purified. That, if one believes anyways.

Remember: Sura 2, verse 256:

( 256 )   There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. 

And it's not like I'm making this up; actually the wives of Mohammed were advised to "leave" if they can't handle the faith:

Sura 66
( 4 )   If you two [wives] repent to Allah, [it is best], for your hearts have deviated. But if you cooperate against him - then indeed Allah is his protector, and Gabriel and the righteous of the believers and the angels, moreover, are [his] assistants.

( 5 )   Perhaps his Lord, if he divorced you [all], would substitute for him wives better than you - submitting [to Allah], believing, devoutly obedient, repentant, worshipping, and traveling - [ones] previously married and virgins.
( 6 )   O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.

Angel You see, if they disobeyed, the Quran didn't say "lock them until they starve to death", they should go instead, live their lives to the fullest, go, live, eventually you'll find nothing but death. If you're immortal; then that's a different story though..

In other words; one sentence should not go against any verse in the Quran. If somebody doesn't believe in the faith, then it shall not be forced compulsively upon them. But if somebody commits the sin, and they want to be purified, and they want to attempt at God's mercy, then they should accept the punishment. Like if I had sex outside marriage, I can totally submit myself to get lashed. 100 lashes.

I never want God to be mad at me..it's a personal choice..I, personally, like transexuals. That's so wrong. So I try to quit it so God doesn't hate me. etc . But Muslims used this to oppress 

Muslims have been playing gymnastics around this verse for 1400, and that's why you have Sunna and Shia faiths.
The real Islam though? here it is..read the verses yourself.

Want madness?go to the Shia and Sunna and read their Hadiths, to see how the real ideology twisting takes place.
Interesting, and thanks for the insight, but I am sticking to core scriptures for now. Thank you.


All praise and thanks is to GOD.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
(April 19, 2016 at 11:47 am)Hoppingbunny Wrote: Research any Pew poling on the opinions of Muslims. A huge amount of them support stoning for gays, death for those who  leave Islam, support Jihad, support Sharia  law etc. Even in America, although U.S. Muslims are  less bad than any other nation's Muslims are. At  least Christianity gave up the Crusades and Inquisition  long ago. And do you seriously believe that the Crusades were completely unprovoked by Muslims anyway?

The most ridiculous part of Islam is that it is the most infant of the three major monotheistic religions. You're completely right! Muslim extremists are the 21st century crusaders - spilling blood with a warrant from God and they should learn from the mistakes made in history. 

Whether the Muslims provoked the crusades or not doesn't change the fact that they were religious crimes. 

I cannot believe that there are wars all over the world in the name of a religion that believes that an illiterate merchant was spoken to by 'God' and managed to write it all down for the world to obey. 

The most telling point, for me, is that the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam all appeared in the most underdeveloped parts of the world. This God didn't speak to the Chinese, who had been writing and documenting for years...but I guess God works in mysterious ways.
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
(April 21, 2016 at 6:41 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: I feel like The Abrahamic religions in general are the worst religions because they openly proselytise. You can't live in a predominantly Christian or Muslim society without running into people who are intolerant of your personal life choices. When these religions are given power, that intolence very rapidly escalates into violence.

And in the 21st century, that's the difference between Christianity and Islam, power. If radical hardline Christians want to push for legislation to suit their agendas, their movement will be squashed by secular laws and social ridicule across The Western World. When it's hardcore Muslims? They not only have financial and political backing by several Islamic states which are governed by Sharia Law, they also have white-guilt-ridden Western apologists delusionally defending their "culture" like it's so benign and advanced. They can get organised.

It's a conservative culture overall. I know there are liberal Muslims out there, who are feminists, LGBT, secularists, they do exist, they are out there, but that's not the same as Islam as a whole culture being such. It's still a conservative culture overall. People are a product of their environments and their upbringings, if you are raised in ultraconservative religious surroundings you are more likely to grow up conservative. That's not a bigoted idea, it makes sense.
There is a difference in intolerance/ violence, and helping people. Those of Abrahamic Faith are not to be violent or intolerant. One of Faith might attempt to give advice and or help a person in many other ways, but that is a far stretch from encroaching on one's freedom, and isn't related to violence in any way. How often does one attempt to invite you into church or something within a normal public setting when you aren't proclaiming your atheism in some way?

The "agenda" of the faithful of GOD is to help humanity. Some might argue that, in which case I would advise them to read the core texts of the Faith of Abraham without preconceived bias instilled by man in some way.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
(April 21, 2016 at 9:34 pm)rossadopolus Wrote:
(April 19, 2016 at 11:47 am)Hoppingbunny Wrote: Research any Pew poling on the opinions of Muslims. A huge amount of them support stoning for gays, death for those who  leave Islam, support Jihad, support Sharia  law etc. Even in America, although U.S. Muslims are  less bad than any other nation's Muslims are. At  least Christianity gave up the Crusades and Inquisition  long ago. And do you seriously believe that the Crusades were completely unprovoked by Muslims anyway?

The most ridiculous part of Islam is that it is the most infant of the three major monotheistic religions. You're completely right! Muslim extremists are the 21st century crusaders - spilling blood with a warrant from God and they should learn from the mistakes made in history. 

Whether the Muslims provoked the crusades or not doesn't change the fact that they were religious crimes. 

I cannot believe that there are wars all over the world in the name of a religion that believes that an illiterate merchant was spoken to by 'God' and managed to write it all down for the world to obey. 

The most telling point, for me, is that the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam all appeared in the most underdeveloped parts of the world. This God didn't speak to the Chinese, who had been writing and documenting for years...but I guess God works in mysterious ways.

[Image: fbfcaacc4b5628771998ae0a34d45f8e.jpg]
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
people know Islam is a hair to the left of outright evil, they are just afraid to say anything. Because the rest of the world has not condemned it yet.

The Evil in the world protects the evil in religion. It attacks anything that opposes or simply stands in contrast to said evil.
RE: Why do people on here act as if Islam if no worse than any other faith?
Look who's talking there.

I'm always amused by christian radicals condemning radicals of the opposite field post number. Envious of their success is the only explanation I can come up with.
[Image: Bumper+Sticker+-+Asheville+-+Praise+Dog3.JPG]

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