(May 5, 2016 at 9:08 am)Alasdair Ham Wrote: Atlas is a nice guy. I blame indoctrination for the part that drives him to preach about his religion.
indoctrination is not the engine moving me around, but I assure you that it plays a huge role in many peoples' lives.
mmm despite me not understanding a single word
But it heals my wounds when I'm Torn.
In my discussions here, and with you too Brian, I always disagreed with you on one thing: there is an Islam that the world knows nothing about; and what we see today across the Middle East and Europe -mainly under the banner of the Wahhabi/Salafi Sunni movement, and Shia/Twelver movement- is something that has nothing to do with the real faith..
theocratic people did spread their roots in my region to scary levels, for me as a believer I feel them roots suffocating me, because simply. Religion is used there to move the masses to acheive certain political agendas, so you have this hirarchy in the Middle East:
1-The top level , political regime that is lead by a dictator and the military; at some places there are royals families.
2-The second level, the religious institution that is lead by a big old beard, at some places they are Sunna, Shia, both, Sunna Shia and Christians (like egypt...etc). This level is mostly loved by the masses, what they say goes, they tell to be kind to the top level (that is what shia islam for example is all about anyways, and sunni islam has a whole sacred section advising its followers to obey this top class).
Such twisted hirarchy always produces a mess, by far, the west proved its superiority in this regard when it took down the Church; gotta admit it (and let Muslims sunnies and shia call me a traitor): THE SECOND LEVEL MUST FALL. The top too, indeed..but what to do, Brian? the roots are so deep.
The masses are...what can you say, deluded ?
Me and you might have our differences -faith wise-, but we agree on one thing: these roots gave nothing, but the blossom of a sad, dead forest. ISIS's frontline pawns are the products of this..The Islam I believe in is like Acid to these roots, that's why I'm fought and threatned to loose my head by these deadly regimes. They won't tolerate seeing the second level of the hierarchy fall now, won't they
Ah..to the Ummah, trying to take notes from how the west took down the Church, is considered weird sometimes..but there is a big lesson there
You are very small !
Use this video against the next gym-kind of prick, who tries to show you how big his "protein shake" biceps are.
It's okay, rob
![Smile Smile](https://atheistforums.org/images/smilies/smile.gif)
I lived 24 years without it, anyways..healthy, and took nothing from this world but agony, misery and hell lots of slaps.
Well, if stress is the real reason behind MS (nobody knows its real cause), I guess the "Umma" and probably all of humanity got my nervous system barbecued xD Thankfully I didn't lose my mind at least..let my nerves burn; at least I didn't turn mad like terrorists and I didn't turn into...another one.
I have it, but I couldn't see things more clearly, rob: bigotry and faults must be corrected. My MS only affects my physical movements, but hey, I have whole mind functioning, and hell lot of stuff to write about. :
I was wrong on Einstein's belief; I'm sorry.
Quoting what he wrote:
Quote:[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein]Albert Einstein
wrote "the word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses
I was totally wrong about this..indeed, that is not a conventional definition. I agree with you that he re-defined God.
As for Hawkings..this way of thinking is something I don't allow myself to fall in, or do, that is I dislike it:
Quote: I'm pretty sure he is very intelligent, a genius and way more logical than the majority of us, so he knows what he's talking about. Also what you're doing when you're saying that his claim "The universe began from nothing" is nonsensical is you're using everyday logic as a counter argument while he's using physics and especially quantum physics which is (based on my knowledge) nowhere near the everday logic that we use.
No human is above criticism. Calling somebody "he is very intelligent thus he is right" simply doesn't work in my world..my experience proved to me that humans always make mistakes, there a percentage of error all the time in our perception, it may varies from an individual to an individual, sure.
You might say "it's ironic" since I am a Muslim, but my problem with Shia and Sunna Muslims is all about this: they say "somebody is ancient/belongs to a certain tribe; thus he know; or somebody is a scholar and he memorized the whole Quran; thus everything he says is true".
I have a brain. I will understand.
My main argument against all of this, is something neither Hawking nor Einstine were able to answer: what was before the big bang? where did the main elements that caused the bang come from?
I never found an answer.
Quote:Also, Atlas. I'm sorry that you have MS, I hope you'll be fine :/ It has always saddened me that so many people have to go through shit like that.
Hey ^_^ it's okay..thank you, Rozkek.
Thanks for the compassion, dyresand ^_^
Hello Godfather, since you make Mafia games and all.
ha ha ha
This rule, Aroura is where I put underlines:
- 2 There should exist small initial patterns with chaotic, unpredictable outcomes.
I studied "theory of computation" as a part of Computer Science, well I haven't give it much attention, honestly Egypt is terrible when it comes to education, I kept my hands "dirty" by working on my programming skills, writing codes and all, so I won't claim to be a genius or anything (I passed theory of computation by a C+ >< ).
But there are three things to consider:
1-The initial state
2-The environment; in the case of "The Game Of Life; everything from the shapes to the cells ending by the movement".
3-The configuration.
Or if we're speaking in the "programmatic sense", let's say the initialization? without initializing the variable -in our case; a constructor that might be something like
new GameofLife(
Configuration conf); "
We must have an environment (computerized or board-like as in GO), then a configuration for the game, after that an initial state that would work in the given environment with that certain configuration.
Yes aroura, the conclusion of the execution might produce random, unexpected result everytime the game is seeded with different input, even though it's only one inititial input, it's still; in it's core: AN INPUT
Quote:The "game" is a , meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input.
Saying that the environemnt (along with the initial state) are the product of an odd that was a product of the void, is to, a leap of faith that is harder to grasp more than the concept of God..
Just thinking..
A Pakistani mayor? now that's weird..and I thought the right began to occupy Europe.
I won't lie: if it's an Islamic country, a person of different faith -hence:race- would never reach the house of ruling..look at Saudi Arabia or Iran.
I'm surprised.
As for death threats, this is the typical. It's not an exaggeration, but Middle Eastern societies treat difference like this..from my reading to history, sadly it seems like a human trait. Add extreme religious beliefs; and you have disaster.
The Sunni/Shia faiths were built to support this death culture, the religion -both- just answer so many stuff with death, it's not Pakistanies only, if he was in Iran he would've got himself hanged, the same goes for Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and I'm not talking about the government only; the people too. a portion of them; a portion that is not small.
Honestly, any person breaking the taboo of homosexuality (and sex in general) and discuss it explicitly. Many of the complexities people suffer from (and personality disorders) happen because of taboos and stuff like this, sadly the people who wrote those death threats didn't know.
In saudi arabia, parents and families are too engulfed in their taboos, girls -in the bedwin environment- don't meet boys, the society turned to homosexuality and lesbianism. Ah, I'm a product of this; I like feminine penises, I'll keep saying it.They made sex a taboo through Wahhabism, until we became lusting on the same gender when our hormones blosommed. Bi now; but something ironic :
Do you know that in school, the prayer was mandatory xD so they would gather all the students, it gets too crowded, and when students head out some boys will go behind the feminine-good looking boys and press their bodies against them; IN THE MOSQUE, WHERE THEY PRAY. You can see the irony. you can see what wahhabism does, what it is. I still remember that hell. I have a friend who got raped, just because he was "white". Yeah, white skin is so desired, guys from the levant are so screwed usually in schools, if they look pretty then that's it.
Here something to keep the wahhabi kingdom on the headlines :
![Smile Smile](https://atheistforums.org/images/smilies/smile.gif)
BTW all these teenagers are Saudi..Thankfully, I chose not to be a pawn like them..
I like to dress in women's sometimes..I like to put some eyeliner, look feminine, I can't deny it..but I will never walk around with a happy stupid smile, keeping my feelings in the shadows, in the hypocritical madness that is within this hellish kingdom..
MNMP, I prefer women, like I'm more of a hetro I love women more, but why lie about my feminine side? I better tell the world about it, and what about God? he sees me, I guess.
It's a choice, that I don't wanna have sex with men, my own personal choice, my own choice that I don't wanna shave my body anymore, but it's also a choice that I want to discuss my sexuality, and give freedom to these poor boys..
Look at their eyes, they are lost. They are so damn lost.
They live with two faces, just because the Saudi religious institution would nail them, ironic how they let the princes steal and rob, kill and torture, but they come at the end of the day to show these guys the hard work.
And believe it or not, inside the wahhabi institution, there are a lot of pedophiles and a lot of homosexuals who rape men..
I lived in a twisted place indeed..My god.
But hey,,I'm a man more than anything, I already chose my path.
Quote:Yeah, I heard there are a lot of porn channels in Arabia. When people are forced to wear Burkas and Hijabs nobody wants to wear them but when you stop people from people from wearing Bukras and Hijabs everyone wants to wear them (e.g. ex-Soviet countries have restrictions). Very confusing.
They hid women from us, until we turned homosexuals. Some of us took the role of the submissive part in the relationship -video above-, and hey...it's abusive, full of abuse,
The cable has no porn channels here, believe it or not. The internet is censord, so people got inventive : they make their own porn, or as in my case: download proxy apps to bypass the blockage; and tadaaaa: you find atheistforums.org + lots of porn.
But you're permanently bound to jerk off to feminine men. You feel disgusted by the pedophilia of the society so you go back to your own shell, and read the Quran..just to find out another world.
The loveliest thing in the world, is to know that you'll die soon :
![Smile Smile](https://atheistforums.org/images/smilies/smile.gif)
I might be a coward, but I'm scared from their gulags. The idea haunted me a lot. So having MS and epilepsy is -to me- wonderful, because it might speed up the process of my collapse.
It's okay MNMP ^_^