Hi, not sure where this question goes to on this forum but I think it most likely belongs here. This might be or sound like a silly question but does evil exist? Is there any evidence or proof that evil exists? Is that supported by science?
When I was in college taking a course in philosophy 101 the professor said if evil exists, then everyone is evil if I remember right. When most people think of evil, view evil or what is evil to them, it's always things like lieing, stealing, cheating, killing and things of that sort. To others it is simply just things or people that they don't like or their own bias. It can also be to others, things or people that just upsets them and/or makes them angry as well as just someone they hate. They will call the person or people they hate evil. Some define evil as simply just doing bad actions and knowing what they are doing is bad. If evil exists, the closest thing I can think to that is the history of the bad things that the catholic church did over the centuries or living under sharia law and that sort of society.
I defenantly do not balieve that it exists in the mythical sense or in fiction. For example In the biblical revelations in christianity or in christian circles(probably the ones that hold up "god hates fags" signs), they balieve satin will spawn up from hell or the anti christe with super powers to take over the world with his demon army and then rule the world as a immortal dictator or emporer for 1000 years before Jesus comes back to life or returns to the world to save the world, kill or defeat satin. Then after that Jesus and/or god creates a permanent worldy or heavenly peradice for everyone free of death and suffering for eternity. Also in comic books or fiction as well as in movies where you get the classical black and white hero vs bad guy or villian. The hero always wins and is the good guy where as the bad guy is always the villian or the evil one who always looses. Thats just silly and rediculous to me however what people might baleive or think is evil in a more realistic way like for example, crime, corruption espeashally in governments, lies, deception, abuse or abuse of power, childhood neglect, wars for profit, out casting or astrosizing people in social groups, taking advantage of people, keeping people poor or in poverty Is more of what I am questioning here.
In reality of course the good guy doesn't always win nor is the good guy always considered the good guy. What might seem bad or evil to someone might not be bad or evil to someone else and what might be good to someone might not be good to someone else if its subjective.
The amazing atheist made a video a while back basicly calling the real rulers in power in America evil and also made a video calling them degenerate scum bags if I remember right.
When I was in college taking a course in philosophy 101 the professor said if evil exists, then everyone is evil if I remember right. When most people think of evil, view evil or what is evil to them, it's always things like lieing, stealing, cheating, killing and things of that sort. To others it is simply just things or people that they don't like or their own bias. It can also be to others, things or people that just upsets them and/or makes them angry as well as just someone they hate. They will call the person or people they hate evil. Some define evil as simply just doing bad actions and knowing what they are doing is bad. If evil exists, the closest thing I can think to that is the history of the bad things that the catholic church did over the centuries or living under sharia law and that sort of society.
I defenantly do not balieve that it exists in the mythical sense or in fiction. For example In the biblical revelations in christianity or in christian circles(probably the ones that hold up "god hates fags" signs), they balieve satin will spawn up from hell or the anti christe with super powers to take over the world with his demon army and then rule the world as a immortal dictator or emporer for 1000 years before Jesus comes back to life or returns to the world to save the world, kill or defeat satin. Then after that Jesus and/or god creates a permanent worldy or heavenly peradice for everyone free of death and suffering for eternity. Also in comic books or fiction as well as in movies where you get the classical black and white hero vs bad guy or villian. The hero always wins and is the good guy where as the bad guy is always the villian or the evil one who always looses. Thats just silly and rediculous to me however what people might baleive or think is evil in a more realistic way like for example, crime, corruption espeashally in governments, lies, deception, abuse or abuse of power, childhood neglect, wars for profit, out casting or astrosizing people in social groups, taking advantage of people, keeping people poor or in poverty Is more of what I am questioning here.
In reality of course the good guy doesn't always win nor is the good guy always considered the good guy. What might seem bad or evil to someone might not be bad or evil to someone else and what might be good to someone might not be good to someone else if its subjective.
The amazing atheist made a video a while back basicly calling the real rulers in power in America evil and also made a video calling them degenerate scum bags if I remember right.