yeah right people. You awtto know me better than that!
I was outside the bar smoking a cigarette when an old friend of mine happened by.
I exchanged warm hellos and I asked him how he'd been and what he'd been up to as it had been a few years since I saw him. (We used to hang out and drink and smoke down back in the day.)
He immediately responded with a hearty, "I just got saved!"
I of course, sank a bit, knowing what he meant - and asked with a
what HE meant? (already knowing the answer)
He says, "you know - I accepted Jesus Christ and became a christian"
All I could think to ask him was, "WHY?"
He said, "because man, I'm a sinner and I want to be forgiven - and I want to go to heaven when I die."
Me: "But we had many discussions about the ridiculousness of the Bible - what happened? You always seemed to have your head on straight."
Him: "Now it's better man. I'm still me, I just want to serve the lord now." "In fact, I'm thinking that it's not coincidence that I ran into you tonight. We should go somewhere and talk."
Me: "Sorry man, the best thing I ever did in life was get rid of that stupid religion and that silly book of lies, and start thinking for myself. I'm not about to put the chains back on and start worshiping a sadistic god that loves himself more than he could love any of us."
At this point, I don't remember exactly where the conversation went, but it was short-lived and we parted ways with a friendly handshake.
I found it interesting, that already, he was chalking up the random meeting of an old friend to some predestined meeting set up by god. People see what they want to see. Damn shame. He was a good guy who got sucked in somehow.
I was outside the bar smoking a cigarette when an old friend of mine happened by.
I exchanged warm hellos and I asked him how he'd been and what he'd been up to as it had been a few years since I saw him. (We used to hang out and drink and smoke down back in the day.)
He immediately responded with a hearty, "I just got saved!"
I of course, sank a bit, knowing what he meant - and asked with a

He says, "you know - I accepted Jesus Christ and became a christian"
All I could think to ask him was, "WHY?"
He said, "because man, I'm a sinner and I want to be forgiven - and I want to go to heaven when I die."
Me: "But we had many discussions about the ridiculousness of the Bible - what happened? You always seemed to have your head on straight."
Him: "Now it's better man. I'm still me, I just want to serve the lord now." "In fact, I'm thinking that it's not coincidence that I ran into you tonight. We should go somewhere and talk."
Me: "Sorry man, the best thing I ever did in life was get rid of that stupid religion and that silly book of lies, and start thinking for myself. I'm not about to put the chains back on and start worshiping a sadistic god that loves himself more than he could love any of us."
At this point, I don't remember exactly where the conversation went, but it was short-lived and we parted ways with a friendly handshake.
I found it interesting, that already, he was chalking up the random meeting of an old friend to some predestined meeting set up by god. People see what they want to see. Damn shame. He was a good guy who got sucked in somehow.