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If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 12:02 am)Undeceived Wrote: People back then were just as aware of how the world worked-- they knew a departure from natural process when they saw one

If I went back to Israel 2000 years ago and demonstrated the use of walkie-talkies, recorded music, firearms and modern medicine, those goat-herding yokels would worship Ryan, the son of God. They didn't have a fraction of an idea how the world worked outside of their primitive, everyday experience. That is why charlatans like Jesus became so popular throughout history. Almost everything outside of agriculture and animal husbandry was magic to them.

When you stop and consider the fact that not a single one of these alleged miracles were ever confirmed to have actually happened, you wonder why, in this age of relative magic, there are still so many among us who are no more advanced than goat-herding yokels of two thousand years ago.
Re: RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 3:12 am)Ryantology Wrote: there are still so many among us who are no more advanced than goat-herding yokels of two thousand years ago.


RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 4, 2013 at 4:38 am)homocidlefreak Wrote: Many Christians will say that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice....the thing is.....he came back to life and supposedly used super human strength to push the boulder blocking his path. Therefore, if he came back to life....what was he sacrificing?
Suppose you were being assaulted and someone stepped in to save you, thereby taking a beating or bullet in the process. But, he eventually made a full recovery from his injuries. Would you therefore think that he didn't make any sacrifice on your behalf? If so, you're an ungrateful asshole.

(May 8, 2013 at 3:12 am)Ryantology Wrote: If I went back to Israel 2000 years ago and demonstrated the use of walkie-talkies, recorded music, firearms and modern medicine, those goat-herding yokels would worship Ryan, the son of God. They didn't have a fraction of an idea how the world worked outside of their primitive, everyday experience. That is why charlatans like Jesus became so popular throughout history.
Jesus had walkie-talkies?
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 3:12 am)Ryantology Wrote:
(May 8, 2013 at 12:02 am)Undeceived Wrote: People back then were just as aware of how the world worked-- they knew a departure from natural process when they saw one

If I went back to Israel 2000 years ago and demonstrated the use of walkie-talkies, recorded music, firearms and modern medicine, those goat-herding yokels would worship Ryan, the son of God. They didn't have a fraction of an idea how the world worked outside of their primitive, everyday experience. That is why charlatans like Jesus became so popular throughout history. Almost everything outside of agriculture and animal husbandry was magic to them.

If so many charlatans were so popular then why have they passed away in history, oh that's right they passed away. I would guess it's fairly hard to be popular after you've been dead a few years. You sure are good at making assumptions with your present day knowledge about people who so many years ago. MWOM
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 5:34 pm)Godschild Wrote:
(May 8, 2013 at 3:12 am)Ryantology Wrote: If I went back to Israel 2000 years ago and demonstrated the use of walkie-talkies, recorded music, firearms and modern medicine, those goat-herding yokels would worship Ryan, the son of God. They didn't have a fraction of an idea how the world worked outside of their primitive, everyday experience. That is why charlatans like Jesus became so popular throughout history. Almost everything outside of agriculture and animal husbandry was magic to them.

If so many charlatans were so popular then why have they passed away in history, oh that's right they passed away. I would guess it's fairly hard to be popular after you've been dead a few years. You sure are good at making assumptions with your present day knowledge about people who so many years ago. MWOM
Maybe, just maybe... the charlatans of old were not what you think the charlatans of old were.
Maybe they had a much more convincing story... for the intended audience. But the story became less and less convincing and it had to be adapted, to better suit the times...
First charlatans: shamans.
Second version: polytheists
Third version: monotheists

And they have all along gone hand in hand with the powerful of the land... except in more recent times
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 3:12 am)Ryantology Wrote: That is why charlatans like Jesus became so popular throughout history. Almost everything outside of agriculture and animal husbandry was magic to them.

I would not negate the people approving of Jesus for the entertainment value. He was also wandering magician. Jugglers, storytellers, gymnasts, singers all had their place.
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 5:34 pm)Godschild Wrote: If so many charlatans were so popular then why have they passed away in history, oh that's right they passed away. I would guess it's fairly hard to be popular after you've been dead a few years. You sure are good at making assumptions with your present day knowledge about people who so many years ago. MWOM

How long you remain relevant has to do with how much of an effort your contemporaries make to ensure that your legend lives on. Jesus had a lot of help, both from contemporary storytellers to the generations of armed men who forced Christianity upon everyone they could reach at swordpoint. If not for Emperor Constantine deciding that the Cross would make a handy rallying symbol for his trained killers, or if that cynical move had failed, Jesus would very likely have faded into obscurity ages ago.

Besides, it isn't as if Jesus is unique even in this regard. To name just two, Confucius and Gautama Buddha have been just as relevant to the world as Jesus, and for many centuries more. The Ancient Egyptian pantheon had a run almost as long as Jesus, and preceded him by millennia. There may very likely be more followers of Allah than Jesus in a century or two. Longevity has nothing to do with the truth of one's claims.
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
Ryantology Wrote: 1. The sort of non-answer which results from a lack of thinking.
I agree.
As I am not making the God of the bible up as I go along, I am not
privy to 'think up' answers to satasify every question you may want to
ask. I am "Speaking where the bible Speaks." In doing I have no biblical based answer to give you here as there is no
reason given as to why the wages of sin are death.

That said I did speculate that there are far reaching consenquences of
sin that maybe we can not understand or see beyond what we already

Quote:2. That just proves that he desires and enjoys death. He didn't
make death the payment for sin because he had no other choice;
If I were God I would make Death the payment for sin simply
because I would not want unrepentant people intermingling with those
who did seek attonement.

Quote:how could an omnipotent being be subject to necessity?
Why do you assume that he was? Are you still working of your
failed understanding that God is omni benevolent to all of Humanity?
Again God's love is boundless for those who Love Him with all of their
being and have A/S/K for understanding and forgiveness. God chose
Death for those who do not seek eternal life.

Quote:The only explanation left would be that he wants people to
suffer death, and the only explanation why is because the death of men
gives him pleasure.

Quote:The only consequences of sin which should matter, to a
believer, is what consequences they have on God.
Sin corrupted 1/3 of the population of Heaven's angels, and as a result
forever changed the dynamic of every sentiant being's interactivity
with God forever. I would say that there is an effect on God, just
not in the way you intend to frame it.

QuoteShockbviously, they can have none, right? He could not actually be
harmed or in any way put out by sin. Sin cannot be a threat to him in
any way.
One does not have to be under threat to experience the consenquences
of the actions of another person. Lets say you had a member of your
house hold who had a gambling problem. Not a bad one, just bad enough
to where they consumed 80 to 90% of your family's disposable income.
Meaning all of your bills get paid, but there is nothing left over at
the end of the month. (Not under any sort of threat) Even so, How long
do you think you could live under a situation where one member of the
house hold was consuming all of the combined resources that was
intended for the whole family? This person's sin against the family
causes everyone to suffer. Now imagine if resolving this issue would
be as simple as not going to poker night or bingo night or whatever,
but the effect person would not even though everyone suffered for it?
What if you borrowed alot of money (sacrificed) toget this person help
and they refused? What if their actions cost your son his life? yet
they refused to even be appologetic let alone make an attempt to
address their sins?

Even after all of this, you experience no threat to yourself, but your
partner will not even consider seeking any help you offered. Do you
still say that one can not be affected by the non threating sins of

Quote:What is it, then? It offends his pride.
Why do we put people in Jail? Is it because of our pride? No, We put
people in jail because they have demonstrated that they can not live
in a soceity bound by rules. So they are locked away from those who
can be productive members of soceity to prevent them from corrupting
or preying on everyone else.

Quote:God looks at sin the way an abusive husband looks at his wife
when she tries to think or do for herself. Like the abusive husband,
God reacts to this with anger and revenge. I often wonder why
Christians have such miserably poor standards of goodness and
perfection, that they would worship a being like this.
Again How does God differ here than what we have done in our prision
systems? After all you personally benefit from prisions now. What do
you say we do with convicted prisioners? Forgive them and let all of
them Go?

Quote:But, I do have that outside perspective.
No you don't
you are bound to sin like everyone else. Therefore your perspective is
like that of everyone else. What you think you have has been
identified by Christ 2000 years ago as Self Righteousness.

Quote:And now I see what it really means. After all, sin is nothing
but saying no to God. Sin is not inherently or objectively bad. There
are many evils which are not sins, and many harmless acts which are.
So, what am I? A good man? Maybe. Not completely. I have my faults and
my shortcomings. My standard of goodness is alien to you, however,
because I live in the real world and care about real world things. I
care about humanity, while your religion holds mankind in utter
disdain. I want humanity to mature and achieve, you anxiously await
your prophesied end of the world and the deaths of everybody.
Wow, I pointed to your 'feelings' as self righteousness, before I read
all of this.. Now my assessment has been confirmed.

Quote:The one who lacks perspective is yourself, deluded by the idea
that not only is there an objective set of right and wrong actions,
but that your god is the source of that objectivity. This is, no
doubt, why you have previously made it clear that atrocities committed
by God's command are good actions.
How are God's actions
differ from your own? In your self righteous manifesto you take on the
authority and mantle of God for yourself descerning what is right and
what is wrong, juding all of creation by your own standard.. Yet when
God does this very thing it some how becomes immoral in your eyes...
Can you explain why God does not have the authority to be God, but
somehow you do.Thinking

QuoteBig Grino Christians see themselves as evil people? No.
Is this what you seriously think? If Christians do not see themselves
as evil then why has any of us sought attonement/Forgiveness of our
sins? Paul in Roman 7 even points out his inablity to seperate himself
from from his evil desires. If Paul can not help but to be evil then
what hope do any of us have?

Quote:They love their God and see what that they do in God's name as
something like a cleansing that needed to happen in order for them to
find favor with their God. Just like every major religion had done up
to that point in history.
This is where your understanding of
History, Religion and Christianity has failed you.

Quote:Why can't you ever answer that question? Does God enjoy seeing
blood spill?
Yes, Blood is required to pay for sins

Quote:So, you admit, then, that God is not loving and merciful?
If God was loving and merciful to everyone why or rather how could He
send anyone to Hell? That must mean God is Loving and merciful to
those in whom He consideres to be His Children, and to Hell with
everyone else. (literally)

Quote:Why is violent extortion considered a righteous act by
Begging the question.
We are not being extorted. We are all on a train speeding to Hell. We
were all born on this train. What God has done is to provide a way off
of this train for anyone willing to walk through the exit He has
provided. He makes no one leave the train those who want to stay are
welcome to stay, but for those who do not want to ride the train to
it's final destination He has provided a way off the train.

Quote:Infact I can demonstrate everything God says in the bible to be
true. (As we have previously ) The only problem is if I take all of
the steps needed to show you want you want to see it would be too late
for you to do anything about it. (You would be dead)

Quote:All that prevarication says to me is that you are a liar making
false claims. Put up or shut up.
The only way I have to
proove any of this to you is to kill you, there by sending you to the
afterlife to see it all for yourself. But again as I said if I do that
it will be too late for you to do anything about it. If you are still
wanting me to put up or shut up All I need is an address and a reason.

Quote:That is why I suggest that you A/S/K as Luke 11 outlines. For
if God shows you what is on the other side you might get a ride back
so you can put into practice what you have learned.

Quote:I already told you, I A/S/Ked and I did find the truth, which
is to say, I found nothing.
Not according to Luke 11 you did not. For the example Christ
leaves us in Luke 11 has the A/S/K'er repeating that process till he
gets what he is looking for.

(May 6, 2013 at 1:18 pm)Maelstrom Wrote:
(May 5, 2013 at 11:47 pm)Drich Wrote: Infact I can demonstrate everything God says in the bible to be true. I suggest that you A/S/K as Luke 11 outlines.

Anyone can convince himself of anything being true if that individual forgoes reason.

So I have 'fore gone reason' because I do not think exactly like you do?

What made you the gold standard of reason?
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
(May 8, 2013 at 8:45 pm)Drich Wrote: So I have 'fore gone reason' because I do not think exactly like you do?

You have forgone reason by believing in a deity that does not exist.
"Never trust a fox. Looks like a dog, behaves like a cat."
~ Erin Hunter
RE: If Jesus came back to life....what was his sacrifice?
Quote:So I have 'fore gone reason' because I do not think exactly like you do?

No, Drippy. You have foregone reason because you think the world is filled with gods, demons and fucking angels.

Time to grow up, now.

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