(November 19, 2018 at 4:33 pm)Drich Wrote: chapter 15 Now consider you were just in a war/battle and you took out one of 3 countries armies but only as they slept, and you took a loss. mind you only had 318 to begin with and now there are less, and you didn't take slaves or money because you just wanted the safe return of your brother. now you are home and even if you know God will do something you don't know what, mean while those who don't know God as well may have 1000 concerns of their own. This is where we find abraham at the beginning of 15.
Abraham at home probably still sore from battle recounting some close calls or mabe think on death for those whom he killed had him thinking of his own family and what would happen when he died. The The Word/Proper name for the disembodied Jesus Christ as in John 1:1 "The word of God" came to Abraham and told him not o worry he would protect him and his people, and give him a great reward for fighting honorably. Then the melancholy of winning sets in when he realizes it is all for nothing because if he dies all of his belongings would go to his 1st slave. He needed a heir he needed a son. So God took Him outside and showed him the stars and promised his descendants would match their number (uncountable) Abraham believed him and God promised this and this land, abraham wanting assurance ask God to consecrate this deal so God had abraham bring a 3 year old cow, a three-year-old goat, a three-year-old ram, a dove, and a young pigeon.” and sacrificed them to God. This sealed the deal. God promised the land and the nation of descendants.. He also ran down the whole deal with the descendants being captive for 400 years to the egyptians and told of their exodus and return to this land. But also told him this would be a long ways off not to worry about because he would live a long long time and all of this would happen long after he passed.
(November 19, 2018 at 3:50 pm)Bucky Ball Wrote: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
John 13:35
You still have not explained why your approach is CB (Christian Bullying) ?
Oh wait .... clearly your not one.
Never mind.
stop being a leftist pussy. you want to break balls let's break balls.. you want to be friend lets be friends, but don't be a hypocrite who breaks balls then gets all snow flaked out because I broke your balls a little harder. I'm not the one who told you to come into the ring 1/2 cocked.
why be as mean as you? 1 cor 9: 19 I am free. I belong to no other person, but I make myself a slave to everyone. I do this to help save as many people as I can. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew so that I could help save Jews. I myself am not ruled by the law, but to those who are ruled by the law I became like someone who is ruled by the law. I did this to help save those who are ruled by the law. 21 To those who are without the law I became like someone who is without the law. I did this to help save those who are without the law. (But really, I am not without God’s law—I am ruled by the law of Christ.) 22 To those who are weak, I became weak so that I could help save them. I have become all things to all people. I did this so that I could save people in any way possible. 23 I do all this to make the Good News known. I do it so that I can share in the blessings of the Good News.
and I too am under the law of Christ... Ask yourself again how did Jesus treat those who opposed him? how respectful was Jesus to the pharisees and sadducees the scribes of the temple and the makers of the laws? Jesus wrecked them daily to the point the tried to stone him several times and ultimately had him killed on the cross for brutally humiliating them and not respecting their little pecking order.
You are sport are a pharisee a hypocrite a person only interested in saying whatever you think it takes to silence me or discredit what it is I have to say... Jesus showed us and Paul followed suit that there is no limits on how I/we can treat people who are intentional obstacles in spreading the good news.
Even in corth 9 the bit above what I posted Paul goes into depth about how he offended people and how it landed him in prision even as a citizen of Rome who should have had the right to say what he wanted to that person.
Nothing new really... What seems new only seems that way only to dummies who think Jesus was some limp bisket hippy who always backed off when confronted. they forget the jesus who so enraged the religious leadershi they killed him without cause. they forget the jesus who whipped and turned over tables in the temple they forget the jesus who blasted the high up muckety mucks who though themselves to be close to God. Jesus called them devils which was never done without God. Jesus undermined the whole of jewish soceity looking to change everything, and alot of butts were really hurt over that fact!
Wrong again.
I don't think Jesus existed ... so your (non-sequitur) assumption of my thinking he was a hippy is fallacious.
Your illogical connection of what someone thinks of Jesus TO YOUR behavior, yet still claiming to be a Christian (which obviously you are not) is the issue.
You are no Christian. Even IF Jesus was no hippy, the gospels say that what characterizes Christians is love.
Your atrocious (ignorant) bullying posts cannot come from a Christian.
Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble. - Joseph Campbell 
Militant Atheist Commie Evolutionist

Militant Atheist Commie Evolutionist