(December 10, 2018 at 4:20 pm)tackattack Wrote: Grandizer, I don't think Abraham had any more of a privileged relationship with God than anyone else today has. I actually with Drich's assessment of Abraham's mistake. I believe he wanted compassion for "good" people and forgot that being good doesn't mean anything at all when all have sinned and all sins are equal.

Ah, no.. sorry sport but the 'law' was not a 'thing yet, therefore no establish sin. No established sin= all sin are not equal as no sin has been identified. Rememebr we did not get the law till moses almost 1200 years later?
So why did God punish Sodom and gomorrah morrah? According to the narrative, Because of the prayers of the righteous cry out for justice for the evil men who lived there. So even by the standards of man sodom and gomorrah was an evil place. so evil.. God sent to 'messengers to check it out.'
That's when abraham rolls up to the two angels and says hey will you destroy the righteous with the wicked? ( that is found in verse 25 and 26. those verses obliterates your exegesis of this passage)
Quote:"I believe he wanted compassion for "good" people and forgot that being good doesn't mean anything at all when all have sinned and all sins are equal."HEre's why: because in 26 they say no not if you find 50 righteous men/men like abraham and who he thought lot to be.. , then 40 then 30 then 20 and finally 10.. when he got to 10 Abraham knew There were no good people period even lot and is famly was corrupt, and the fact he was allowed to retreive them was a mercy. Examples of lot's corruption: the wife being caught looking back and longing/sadden for the city was turned ito a pilar of salt and later we find out lot's daughters have a drunken orgy with LOT!
So no NOT ONE RIGHTEOUS person came from that place! That said Abraham despite his 'sin' is still found righteous to God which in of itself contradicts your idea of all being equal in sin. In fact this idea doesn't become canonical till after the resurrection of Christ. Meaning for people who lived before this passage was penned, they did not live under this rule.
These people were not christian and had no hope of being christian so they are not judged by the rules people born after christ will be.