Mischievous Jacob Is Born
Genesis 25:19-34
Isaac's wife, Rebekah, was unable to bear children. So Isaac prayed to God for her, and the prayer was answered (seems like there were some uses to prayer at the time). Rebekah gave birth to twins; the first child to come out was named Esau (who looked red and hairy as fuck) and the second child was named Jacob (because his hand was grasping Esau's heel as they came out). Isaac was 60 years old when the twins were born.
Growing up, Esau became a skilled hunter whereas Jacob was simply a homebody. Naturally, Isaac loved Esau (because Esau would bring him tasty wild game) and Rebekah loved Jacob (because a mother always loves her least loved son best).
One day, Jacob was cooking stew when Esau came back home from hunting, starving to death. Esau demanded Jacob give him some of that delicious stew, and Jacob demanded that Esau first sell him his birthright (because apparently that's something they did back then). So idiot Esau complied, and that is the end of this passage.
We can already see tension between Jacob and Esau right from the very start, even when they were still in their mother's womb, and the beginning of Jacob's dominance of Esau. According to the ancient Israelites, this was part symbolism for two nations in conflict with one another, with Edom (represented by Esau) eventually becoming subservient to Israel (represented by Jacob).
Genesis 25:19-34
Isaac's wife, Rebekah, was unable to bear children. So Isaac prayed to God for her, and the prayer was answered (seems like there were some uses to prayer at the time). Rebekah gave birth to twins; the first child to come out was named Esau (who looked red and hairy as fuck) and the second child was named Jacob (because his hand was grasping Esau's heel as they came out). Isaac was 60 years old when the twins were born.
Growing up, Esau became a skilled hunter whereas Jacob was simply a homebody. Naturally, Isaac loved Esau (because Esau would bring him tasty wild game) and Rebekah loved Jacob (because a mother always loves her least loved son best).
One day, Jacob was cooking stew when Esau came back home from hunting, starving to death. Esau demanded Jacob give him some of that delicious stew, and Jacob demanded that Esau first sell him his birthright (because apparently that's something they did back then). So idiot Esau complied, and that is the end of this passage.
We can already see tension between Jacob and Esau right from the very start, even when they were still in their mother's womb, and the beginning of Jacob's dominance of Esau. According to the ancient Israelites, this was part symbolism for two nations in conflict with one another, with Edom (represented by Esau) eventually becoming subservient to Israel (represented by Jacob).