RE: Genesis unleashed
February 27, 2012 at 2:22 pm
(This post was last modified: February 27, 2012 at 2:48 pm by reverendjeremiah.)
(February 27, 2012 at 2:11 pm)Doubting Thomas Wrote: I really can't wait for the pendulum to swing back the other way.
It isnt going to swing back by itself. There arent enough left wingers in America to do it. Democrats are just slightly less right wing than the republicans, so even voting doesnt make a difference even if your vote mattered, which it doesnt. In true right wing fashion the corporations and government are one and the same. As long as America continues to vote for stronger centralized power the more will will head into the direction of fascism. long as left Libertarianism is popularly known as "Fascist, communist, pro terrorist.." and other falsities, we will never have a return to the solidarity that we had at the turn of the 20th century.
The totalitarianism will always get worse. More and more will become centralised and there will be beaurocrats for everything you can think of. the genral populaation will have so many codes and regulations to follow, but the corporations will be in charge. We will be forced to continue buying what the corporations want us to buy for higher prices and lower wages. People will constatntly be feed with the bullshit notion that supply side economics really does work "if we can just let it run its course". The thing is, we have been running this country on supply side economics since Reagan and it has slowly fucked everyone except the most wealthiest. So now we give them tax insentives to pack up and move their jobs to mexico? That isnt the will of the people? That is the will of the few and the greedy.
We deserve it. as long as Fox news remains the number one news outlet. As long as fascists like Glen Beck are alowed to call everyone opposed to him a "Nazi". As long as wel allow people with the mentality of Conservapedia places of power in our society...we will deserve every single thing they do to us. Forced Christianity? Sure. Why not give them priveledged status? The vast majority of people keep screaming this is a Christian nation. Let them fuck themselves up. Kick all the leftists out of the country? Wouldnt be the first time. Just equate everyone of them as a Stalinist and you will have the support of the entire nation in booting them out. Foodstamps and welfare? Not on my dime! "Fuck them" they say. "They can always get a job at McDonalds". And, of course, the minimum wage shoud be abolished.
America is going to tear itself apart if it keeps going to the right. Hopefully I will be dead when it happens, but my children will have to endure it.