Sometimes my brain just can't see things the way other people do.
October 25, 2014 at 2:32 pm
(This post was last modified: October 25, 2014 at 2:42 pm by Losty.)
So how crazy am I?
Losty: Military time kills me
Anon: I guess im used to 24hr time. If you dont know it subtract 12 from it. So 22 becomes 10.
Losty: But somehow 0 becomes midnight?
Anon: 00.00 is midnight yes
Losty: when it should be 24
Anon: No because midnight is when it restarts. So it goes 23.59 then 00.00
Losty: there aren't 23 hours and 59 minutes in a day though. There are 24.
Anon: 00.00 is 24.00 but because midnight is when it restarts it starts from 0
Losty: If I asked you to count to 24 would you start with zero? No you would start with 1
Anon: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
Losty: Should be 1-24
Anon: 24 total
Losty: Not 0-23
Anon: No because it doesnt start at 1 in the morning. It starts at midnight.
Losty: It should though. 1-24 makes more sense than 0-23 for a 24 hour day.
Anon: So using 1 to represent midnight would confuse things since 1am woud be hour 2. 2 am wouod be hour 3.
Losty: No no no
Anon: Yes yes yes lol
Losty: Youre getting it all wrong.
Anon: Losty it represents the number of hours that have passed since midnight, at midnight 0 hours have passed since it restarted. At 1 am 1 hour has passed.
Losty: Let's say you had 24 apples and I asked you to count them. Would you point to the first one and call it zero? Then continue counting up to the 24th apple calling it 23?
No you'd call the first one 1 and the last one 24
Anon: It makes perfect sense. Its a matter of counting the hours if i handed you 0 apples you wouldnt say one apple was handed to you would you?
Losty: In that case you'd be fully disregarding the last apple. Because when I hand you the 24th apple you're going to call it zero
Anon: I wouldnt because 24 is also when it restarts so its like counting that last apple before removing all the apples then starting over.
Losty: I'm not saying I don't get it. I get it. It's just stupidly overcomplicated when you could easily just have 1-24 instead.
Anon:You are over thinking it lol
Losty: I'm not
Anon: It literealy is a count of the number of hours that have passed, 1-24 would make no sense as at exactly midnight no hours have passed untill 1 am
Losty: On one hand we could have a time system where a 24 hour day starts at 1 and ends at 24.
On the other hand we have a number system that insists on counting the hours that have passed which is stupid because they start at 0 if 0 hours have passed then there's no point in starting to count yet. Then it counts all the way up to 23.59 an then starts over to zero again. A 24 hour day that goes from 0-23.59. That poor last minute never being granted his hard earned credit after having waited all damn day to show up and then everyone pretends like he was never even there. Where's the respect?
I'd say the long drawn out system of counting how many hours have passed rather than just saying what hour we are in is the one that's over thinking it.
Simple thinking would just go from 1-24
Anon: 24 and 0 are one an the same as soon as it hits midnight even a fraction of a second after that it is a new day, the time of the previous day no longer matters.
The count restarts. No hours have passed so you count in minutes till 1. One hour has past.
Losty: Oohhhh so now 24 and zero are the same number even further complicating the system considering that 24 does not equal 0 in any other circumstances.
Anon: Its perfectly logical. 1-24 makes no sense as it means you are sayin 1 min past midnight is 24.01
Losty: Yes that would be the first minute of the 24th hour, but it's for 11pm not midnight. If midnight is 1 then 11 is 24.
Anon: Lol you are really over thinking things. Ok lets start over. Let me explain. Or atleast try
Losty: 24:01 wouldn't mean 24 hours and 1 minute. It would simply mean the first minute of the 24th hour
Anon: Can I do that?
Losty: You don't need to explain. I'm not dense. I honestly get it
Anon: Meaning that there is more than 24 hours in a day
Losty: No. Why would it mean that?
Anon: 24.00.01 means that the next day is part of the previous snd that there are more than 24 hours in a day. Right using your apples analogy. I give you exactly 24 apples. Ok you only have 24.
Losty: The 24 would signify that we are now on the 24th hour. The one would only be to clarify that we are in the first minute of said 24th hour.
Anon: That is the maximum you are allowed
Losty: No you're not listening.
Anon: I then give you 1/60th of an apple.
Losty: No.
Anon: You now have more than the max of 24 apples.
Losty: You're not listening.
Anon: No
Losty: You're still stuck on the old system. That's not how my system works.
Anon: Hitting 24 means we have reached the 24th hour there is no hour beyond that so there cant be the first minute of the 24th hour.
Losty: No. You're still not listening.
Anon: I am but you aren't.
Losty: If this is my system then I decide how it works. It's not even a real system. You can't make me use the rules from another system.
Anon: You are counting midnight and the following hour as 24.
Losty: Nope.
Anon: Midnight plus the folowing hour = 25 hours before it restarts at 1
Losty: No no no.
Anon: Look count this. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24/0
Losty: No. There is no 0.
Anon: Exactly 24 numbers exactly 24 hours. Losty type out the numbers then add the time following midnight.
Losty: If you're going to say my system doesn't work you must at least allow for me to explain it and use my rules when evaluating it.
Anon: You get 25 not 24.
Losty: Nope
Anon: Seriously do it and count.
Losty: Wrong
Anon: I'm not. Do it you'll see.
Losty: Because there's is no 0. You refuse to accept that then you can't say my system doesn't work. Because my system doesn't have a zero.
Anon: Your system adds more than 24 hours into a day.
Losty: Incorrect
Anon: Correct
Losty: It does not. Ok make me a deal. Hear me out and let me tell you my system.
Anon: You are counting the time after midnight as after 24 without even realizing it.
Losty: Do not interrupt. No I am not.
Anon: Ill let you explain if you grant me the same. Deal?
Losty: You are just refusing to listen when I try to explain that my system does work that way.
Anon: Ok
Losty: but I get to go first. Makes no sense for you to explain how I'm wrong before you even know what I am saying.
Anon: Enlighten me :p Still there?
Losty: In my system you start at 1:01. It doesn't signify how many hours have passed.
1:01 means that you are currently in the first minute of the first hour. Going up to 1:60 which would tell you that you are currently in the last minute of the first hour.
24:01 would signify the first minute of the last hour and 24:60 would be the last minute of the 24th hour.
What you keep getting hung up on is you're applying rules from the current system to my system. The current system says 1:01 means 1 AND 1 minute.
My system doesn't work that way. In my system the first number signifies the hour that you are currently in and the second number signifies the minute that you are currently in.
13:47 does *not* mean 47 minutes after 13 in my system.
In my system 13:47 signifies the 47th minute *of* the 13th hour.
In the 24th hour, the last hour of the day. You would start at 24:01 meaning you are currently *in* the first minute of the 24th hour.
My system counts real time as it's happening. It doesn't tell you about something that has passed but about something that is now.
So finally the last minute of the last hour would be called 24:60 signifying that you are *currently* in the 60th minute of the 24th hour. When that minute ends you have completed the 24th hour and the time restarts at 1:01 telling you that a new day has started and you are now in the first minute of the first hour of a new day.
Anon: But your way adds extra time after midnight to the previous day and then the following day not starting till 1 hour after it really started.
Losty: No I did not
Anon: You just said said that.
Losty: No I did not
Anon: Ok do we agree that a day contains 24 hours?
Losty: Yep
Anon: Anything added after 24 would be more than that 24 hours.
Losty: Nothing is added.
Anon: 24.01 would be 24 hours and 1 min.
Losty: incorrect.
Anon: Hold on we just agreed that there are 24 hours in a day.
Losty: Yep. 24:01 *Does Not* mean 24 and 1 more in my system.
Anon: So then you cant have 24.01 as it is more than 24.
Losty: No it isn't
Anon: Yes it does
Losty: Nope
Anon: Because remember midnight is a new day
Losty: Midnight would be called 1:01 in my system then. Where as the current 11:59 would be called 24:60
Anon: 1min past midnight is not one min past the 24th hour it is 1 min past the start of a new dsy
Losty: Yep, but I never mentioned one minute past midnight.
Anon: So calling it the first minute of the 24th hour as it is a new day
Losty: I wouldn't call it that.
One minute passed midnight in my system would be 1:02
Anon: But an hour hasnt passed yet
Losty: But I'm not counting time passed. I never said an hour has passed. I said you are *in* the first hour.
Anon: So it couldn't be 1 min into the first hour as 60 mins needs to pass for it to be the 1st hour
Losty: Wrong
Anon: Right. You clearly aren't getting it.
Losty: lol. Me? I'm not getting my own system?
Anon: Heres where your system collapses. 1 am is the second hour.
Losty: Not in my system
Anon: You are sayin that 1 min past 12 is 1 min into the 1st hour therefore 1 min oast 1 would be 1 min into the 2nd hour. I know what you are saying but its complicated as we measure a passing of time
Losty: We do but we shouldn't
Anon: Starting from 0 as it is a brand new day
Losty: Makes no sense. Because 0 isn't a time. Or a place.
Anon: It is the point where the time starts again. Forget the previous day. Its like it never existed
Losty: Mine does that too. Mine just starts at 1:01 instead of 0:00
Anon: The universe has restarted, it is a new day meaning no time existed before that. No because for the first hour you are still counting from the previous day
Losty: My 1:01 simply says you are *in* the first minute of the first hour.
It simply tells you where you are in time rather than where you have been.
Anon: But its a new day. 24 hours in a day.
Losty: We have established that.
Anon: But its not the first hour till 1 am
Losty: wrong
Anon: 1.01 if the first minute into the first hour
Losty: In your system it isn't because you only count an hour after it has passed. In *my* system an hour begins as soon as it begins and you exist within that hour until it is over.
Anon: 1 hour has passed since the start of the day and you are 1 min in
Losty: No hour has passed at 1:01. The hour has simply begun.
Anon: Your system makes no sense, is totally illogical since it measures time that has not passed yet.
Losty: Wrong again
Anon: No
Losty: It measures time as it exists. Neither before nor after.
Anon: Too needlessly complicated
Losty: I believe we set out with you saying my system doesn't work or make sense. Now you're saying it's complicated. Moving goal posts :p
Anon: Your system doesnt work outside of your mind.
Losty: You may disagree on which system is more complicated but you cannot say that my system does not work. Not just because you don't like it and/or because it doesn't measure time the way you think it should be measured. It still works. It just works completely differently.
Anon: It doesnt as it adds time to a new day from the previous day instead of restarting the clock, The current system counts the number of hours in a day and how many miutes into each hour it is. It is a count in real time.
Losty: Wrong
Anon: Nope. Please tell me how I'm wrong. The time is 23.10 meaning it ismthe 23rd hour 10 mins in. It is a real time count of the time.
Losty: The current system only counts time after it has already passed. Hence 1am *begins after* 1 hour has passed.
Anon: No no no no no
1 am = 1 hour into the new day
Losty: Exactly, 1 hour has passed since midnight. One hour already over. The one isn't counted until after it's over.
Anon: Which is the count in real time
Losty: No
Anon: Yes
You said you'd allow me to explain
Can i do that now?
I guess not
Losty: Yep. No asking me questions then because I can't resist responding to a question. Just do yours the same why I did mine. No explanation of how time currently works is needed. I already know that. But please feel free to say why mine doesn't work.
"I guess not" patience is a virtue I can only type so fast.
Anon: It said you were typing all that time after I asked to speak. I hate trying to type on my tablet. Can't type as fast as you can on your phone plus no spelling correction so need to do it manually so bear with me.
Losty: No rush
Anon: So
We are basically sayingnthe same thing here. 1 min into the first hour is the same as 00.01. And i get that.
Why it cant work is that midnight is the start of the new day so the count starts again. Hence 00.00.
Writing 1.01 for 00.01 makes people think it is 1 hour 1 min into the day when it is only 1 min into the day. (First problem confusion) it makes more sense written in words as in it is the first minute into the first hour.
Then as the current system tells you exactly which point in the day you are are at like a set of coordinates constantly changing as time passes it is infact a count in real time
Losty: Confusion I get, because obviously people are already used to the system that is currently in place. If my system was the only one that ever existed it wouldn't be confusing to people at all.
Anon: And saying you are in the first minute of the first hour also looks like you are saying that an hour has already passed and that you are 1 min into that.
Losty: My problem is that I see time as a place. When I ask you "where am I?", I want you to tell me where I actually am, not where I have been.
At 1 am, when I say "where am I?" And you say 1am because one hour has passed I feel like you are telling me "for the last hour you have been in the first hour of the day" which is true but isn't the answer to my question. At 1am I am at the very start of the second hour of the day. My mind wants to know where I am, and the answer to that question is that I am in the first minute of the second hour. That's where I actually am. Saying 1 hour has passed only tells me where I have been. My mind hates that. I'm not saying my system isn't confusing to other people. I am saying that if you put it into practice it would still successfully measure 24 hours into 1 day. Just perhaps in a way that only I can understand.
Anon: But me saying 1.01 as in 1 min past the end of the first hour is the same as you saying it is 2 minutes into the start of the second hour.
1 minute into the second hour that should say
Losty: It is but I don't like it. My system still would work though. Just would be confusing for people whose brains don't work like mine. Which is mostly everyone except me. Lol
Anon: Lol thats true :p
**ETA please over look spelling and grammar. I was on my phone and he was on a tablet. And as always, I debate over the lack of respect for the day's last minute is always a heated one. :p
Losty: Military time kills me
Anon: I guess im used to 24hr time. If you dont know it subtract 12 from it. So 22 becomes 10.
Losty: But somehow 0 becomes midnight?
Anon: 00.00 is midnight yes
Losty: when it should be 24
Anon: No because midnight is when it restarts. So it goes 23.59 then 00.00
Losty: there aren't 23 hours and 59 minutes in a day though. There are 24.
Anon: 00.00 is 24.00 but because midnight is when it restarts it starts from 0
Losty: If I asked you to count to 24 would you start with zero? No you would start with 1
Anon: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
Losty: Should be 1-24
Anon: 24 total
Losty: Not 0-23
Anon: No because it doesnt start at 1 in the morning. It starts at midnight.
Losty: It should though. 1-24 makes more sense than 0-23 for a 24 hour day.
Anon: So using 1 to represent midnight would confuse things since 1am woud be hour 2. 2 am wouod be hour 3.
Losty: No no no
Anon: Yes yes yes lol
Losty: Youre getting it all wrong.
Anon: Losty it represents the number of hours that have passed since midnight, at midnight 0 hours have passed since it restarted. At 1 am 1 hour has passed.
Losty: Let's say you had 24 apples and I asked you to count them. Would you point to the first one and call it zero? Then continue counting up to the 24th apple calling it 23?
No you'd call the first one 1 and the last one 24
Anon: It makes perfect sense. Its a matter of counting the hours if i handed you 0 apples you wouldnt say one apple was handed to you would you?
Losty: In that case you'd be fully disregarding the last apple. Because when I hand you the 24th apple you're going to call it zero

Anon: I wouldnt because 24 is also when it restarts so its like counting that last apple before removing all the apples then starting over.
Losty: I'm not saying I don't get it. I get it. It's just stupidly overcomplicated when you could easily just have 1-24 instead.
Anon:You are over thinking it lol
Losty: I'm not
Anon: It literealy is a count of the number of hours that have passed, 1-24 would make no sense as at exactly midnight no hours have passed untill 1 am
Losty: On one hand we could have a time system where a 24 hour day starts at 1 and ends at 24.
On the other hand we have a number system that insists on counting the hours that have passed which is stupid because they start at 0 if 0 hours have passed then there's no point in starting to count yet. Then it counts all the way up to 23.59 an then starts over to zero again. A 24 hour day that goes from 0-23.59. That poor last minute never being granted his hard earned credit after having waited all damn day to show up and then everyone pretends like he was never even there. Where's the respect?
I'd say the long drawn out system of counting how many hours have passed rather than just saying what hour we are in is the one that's over thinking it.
Simple thinking would just go from 1-24
Anon: 24 and 0 are one an the same as soon as it hits midnight even a fraction of a second after that it is a new day, the time of the previous day no longer matters.
The count restarts. No hours have passed so you count in minutes till 1. One hour has past.
Losty: Oohhhh so now 24 and zero are the same number even further complicating the system considering that 24 does not equal 0 in any other circumstances.
Anon: Its perfectly logical. 1-24 makes no sense as it means you are sayin 1 min past midnight is 24.01
Losty: Yes that would be the first minute of the 24th hour, but it's for 11pm not midnight. If midnight is 1 then 11 is 24.
Anon: Lol you are really over thinking things. Ok lets start over. Let me explain. Or atleast try
Losty: 24:01 wouldn't mean 24 hours and 1 minute. It would simply mean the first minute of the 24th hour
Anon: Can I do that?
Losty: You don't need to explain. I'm not dense. I honestly get it
Anon: Meaning that there is more than 24 hours in a day
Losty: No. Why would it mean that?
Anon: 24.00.01 means that the next day is part of the previous snd that there are more than 24 hours in a day. Right using your apples analogy. I give you exactly 24 apples. Ok you only have 24.
Losty: The 24 would signify that we are now on the 24th hour. The one would only be to clarify that we are in the first minute of said 24th hour.
Anon: That is the maximum you are allowed
Losty: No you're not listening.
Anon: I then give you 1/60th of an apple.
Losty: No.
Anon: You now have more than the max of 24 apples.
Losty: You're not listening.
Anon: No
Losty: You're still stuck on the old system. That's not how my system works.
Anon: Hitting 24 means we have reached the 24th hour there is no hour beyond that so there cant be the first minute of the 24th hour.
Losty: No. You're still not listening.
Anon: I am but you aren't.
Losty: If this is my system then I decide how it works. It's not even a real system. You can't make me use the rules from another system.
Anon: You are counting midnight and the following hour as 24.
Losty: Nope.
Anon: Midnight plus the folowing hour = 25 hours before it restarts at 1
Losty: No no no.

Anon: Look count this. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24/0
Losty: No. There is no 0.
Anon: Exactly 24 numbers exactly 24 hours. Losty type out the numbers then add the time following midnight.
Losty: If you're going to say my system doesn't work you must at least allow for me to explain it and use my rules when evaluating it.
Anon: You get 25 not 24.
Losty: Nope
Anon: Seriously do it and count.
Losty: Wrong
Anon: I'm not. Do it you'll see.
Losty: Because there's is no 0. You refuse to accept that then you can't say my system doesn't work. Because my system doesn't have a zero.
Anon: Your system adds more than 24 hours into a day.
Losty: Incorrect
Anon: Correct
Losty: It does not. Ok make me a deal. Hear me out and let me tell you my system.
Anon: You are counting the time after midnight as after 24 without even realizing it.
Losty: Do not interrupt. No I am not.
Anon: Ill let you explain if you grant me the same. Deal?
Losty: You are just refusing to listen when I try to explain that my system does work that way.
Anon: Ok
Losty: but I get to go first. Makes no sense for you to explain how I'm wrong before you even know what I am saying.
Anon: Enlighten me :p Still there?
Losty: In my system you start at 1:01. It doesn't signify how many hours have passed.
1:01 means that you are currently in the first minute of the first hour. Going up to 1:60 which would tell you that you are currently in the last minute of the first hour.
24:01 would signify the first minute of the last hour and 24:60 would be the last minute of the 24th hour.
What you keep getting hung up on is you're applying rules from the current system to my system. The current system says 1:01 means 1 AND 1 minute.
My system doesn't work that way. In my system the first number signifies the hour that you are currently in and the second number signifies the minute that you are currently in.
13:47 does *not* mean 47 minutes after 13 in my system.
In my system 13:47 signifies the 47th minute *of* the 13th hour.
In the 24th hour, the last hour of the day. You would start at 24:01 meaning you are currently *in* the first minute of the 24th hour.
My system counts real time as it's happening. It doesn't tell you about something that has passed but about something that is now.
So finally the last minute of the last hour would be called 24:60 signifying that you are *currently* in the 60th minute of the 24th hour. When that minute ends you have completed the 24th hour and the time restarts at 1:01 telling you that a new day has started and you are now in the first minute of the first hour of a new day.
Anon: But your way adds extra time after midnight to the previous day and then the following day not starting till 1 hour after it really started.
Losty: No I did not
Anon: You just said said that.
Losty: No I did not
Anon: Ok do we agree that a day contains 24 hours?
Losty: Yep
Anon: Anything added after 24 would be more than that 24 hours.
Losty: Nothing is added.
Anon: 24.01 would be 24 hours and 1 min.
Losty: incorrect.
Anon: Hold on we just agreed that there are 24 hours in a day.
Losty: Yep. 24:01 *Does Not* mean 24 and 1 more in my system.
Anon: So then you cant have 24.01 as it is more than 24.
Losty: No it isn't
Anon: Yes it does
Losty: Nope
Anon: Because remember midnight is a new day
Losty: Midnight would be called 1:01 in my system then. Where as the current 11:59 would be called 24:60
Anon: 1min past midnight is not one min past the 24th hour it is 1 min past the start of a new dsy
Losty: Yep, but I never mentioned one minute past midnight.
Anon: So calling it the first minute of the 24th hour as it is a new day
Losty: I wouldn't call it that.
One minute passed midnight in my system would be 1:02
Anon: But an hour hasnt passed yet
Losty: But I'm not counting time passed. I never said an hour has passed. I said you are *in* the first hour.
Anon: So it couldn't be 1 min into the first hour as 60 mins needs to pass for it to be the 1st hour
Losty: Wrong
Anon: Right. You clearly aren't getting it.
Losty: lol. Me? I'm not getting my own system?
Anon: Heres where your system collapses. 1 am is the second hour.
Losty: Not in my system
Anon: You are sayin that 1 min past 12 is 1 min into the 1st hour therefore 1 min oast 1 would be 1 min into the 2nd hour. I know what you are saying but its complicated as we measure a passing of time
Losty: We do but we shouldn't
Anon: Starting from 0 as it is a brand new day
Losty: Makes no sense. Because 0 isn't a time. Or a place.
Anon: It is the point where the time starts again. Forget the previous day. Its like it never existed
Losty: Mine does that too. Mine just starts at 1:01 instead of 0:00
Anon: The universe has restarted, it is a new day meaning no time existed before that. No because for the first hour you are still counting from the previous day
Losty: My 1:01 simply says you are *in* the first minute of the first hour.
It simply tells you where you are in time rather than where you have been.
Anon: But its a new day. 24 hours in a day.
Losty: We have established that.
Anon: But its not the first hour till 1 am
Losty: wrong
Anon: 1.01 if the first minute into the first hour
Losty: In your system it isn't because you only count an hour after it has passed. In *my* system an hour begins as soon as it begins and you exist within that hour until it is over.
Anon: 1 hour has passed since the start of the day and you are 1 min in
Losty: No hour has passed at 1:01. The hour has simply begun.
Anon: Your system makes no sense, is totally illogical since it measures time that has not passed yet.
Losty: Wrong again
Anon: No
Losty: It measures time as it exists. Neither before nor after.
Anon: Too needlessly complicated
Losty: I believe we set out with you saying my system doesn't work or make sense. Now you're saying it's complicated. Moving goal posts :p
Anon: Your system doesnt work outside of your mind.
Losty: You may disagree on which system is more complicated but you cannot say that my system does not work. Not just because you don't like it and/or because it doesn't measure time the way you think it should be measured. It still works. It just works completely differently.
Anon: It doesnt as it adds time to a new day from the previous day instead of restarting the clock, The current system counts the number of hours in a day and how many miutes into each hour it is. It is a count in real time.
Losty: Wrong
Anon: Nope. Please tell me how I'm wrong. The time is 23.10 meaning it ismthe 23rd hour 10 mins in. It is a real time count of the time.
Losty: The current system only counts time after it has already passed. Hence 1am *begins after* 1 hour has passed.
Anon: No no no no no
1 am = 1 hour into the new day
Losty: Exactly, 1 hour has passed since midnight. One hour already over. The one isn't counted until after it's over.
Anon: Which is the count in real time
Losty: No
Anon: Yes
You said you'd allow me to explain
Can i do that now?
I guess not
Losty: Yep. No asking me questions then because I can't resist responding to a question. Just do yours the same why I did mine. No explanation of how time currently works is needed. I already know that. But please feel free to say why mine doesn't work.
"I guess not" patience is a virtue I can only type so fast.
Anon: It said you were typing all that time after I asked to speak. I hate trying to type on my tablet. Can't type as fast as you can on your phone plus no spelling correction so need to do it manually so bear with me.
Losty: No rush
Anon: So
We are basically sayingnthe same thing here. 1 min into the first hour is the same as 00.01. And i get that.
Why it cant work is that midnight is the start of the new day so the count starts again. Hence 00.00.
Writing 1.01 for 00.01 makes people think it is 1 hour 1 min into the day when it is only 1 min into the day. (First problem confusion) it makes more sense written in words as in it is the first minute into the first hour.
Then as the current system tells you exactly which point in the day you are are at like a set of coordinates constantly changing as time passes it is infact a count in real time
Losty: Confusion I get, because obviously people are already used to the system that is currently in place. If my system was the only one that ever existed it wouldn't be confusing to people at all.
Anon: And saying you are in the first minute of the first hour also looks like you are saying that an hour has already passed and that you are 1 min into that.
Losty: My problem is that I see time as a place. When I ask you "where am I?", I want you to tell me where I actually am, not where I have been.
At 1 am, when I say "where am I?" And you say 1am because one hour has passed I feel like you are telling me "for the last hour you have been in the first hour of the day" which is true but isn't the answer to my question. At 1am I am at the very start of the second hour of the day. My mind wants to know where I am, and the answer to that question is that I am in the first minute of the second hour. That's where I actually am. Saying 1 hour has passed only tells me where I have been. My mind hates that. I'm not saying my system isn't confusing to other people. I am saying that if you put it into practice it would still successfully measure 24 hours into 1 day. Just perhaps in a way that only I can understand.
Anon: But me saying 1.01 as in 1 min past the end of the first hour is the same as you saying it is 2 minutes into the start of the second hour.
1 minute into the second hour that should say
Losty: It is but I don't like it. My system still would work though. Just would be confusing for people whose brains don't work like mine. Which is mostly everyone except me. Lol
Anon: Lol thats true :p
**ETA please over look spelling and grammar. I was on my phone and he was on a tablet. And as always, I debate over the lack of respect for the day's last minute is always a heated one. :p
(August 21, 2017 at 11:31 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: "I'm not a troll"
Religious Views: He gay
Hammy Wrote:and we also have a sheep on our bed underneath as well