The real message of Islam.
November 7, 2015 at 7:32 am
(This post was last modified: November 7, 2015 at 7:37 am by WinterHold.)
In a previous post of mine, I showed and gave examples how Islam was forged.
The one religion become divided -because of the Hadiths- into many sects, with 2 major sects taking the majority : Sunnah & Shira.
Knowing that the Sunni & Shia sects were composed after the events of "the battle of the camel (", Islam actually turned into a political/tribal religion, with its main message deviated to satisfy the will of those two sects.
For both Sunnies & Shia, the main message became "attempting to build the convenient haven" for believers; the conflict was on who was meant to lead the haven.
Sunnies Believe it's the tribe of Quraish ( based on a Hadith ), Shia believe it's the "family of Ali (prophet's cousine)" ( also based on a Hadith ).
For both sects, that goal would be determined in the end of times at the hands of their version of Christ ( Al-Mehdi ). Also; based on a Hadith.
Forged and twisted, both parties forgot what the real message was; after all the Quran is God's word; not the Hadith.
God in the Quran, said that the prophet of islam was sent for this sole reason :
( Sura 34 Verse 28 ) And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know.
That is, to warn of hell, and to give tidings to those who do good.
No Islamic state or caliphate or Ali or Quraish was included.
There are no other reasons across the Quran, why Mohammed peace be upon him was sent.
( 97 ) So, [O Muhammad], We have facilitated the Quran by your tongue so you may give good tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people.
As my topic "how it was forged" discussed, after Mohammed's death, that main message was forgotten between the political & tribal conflicts, and the faith was forged to become yet another tool for people to rise to power.
The real message of Islam, is to warn people of hell, and give good tidings to those who believe in God.
The one religion become divided -because of the Hadiths- into many sects, with 2 major sects taking the majority : Sunnah & Shira.
Knowing that the Sunni & Shia sects were composed after the events of "the battle of the camel (", Islam actually turned into a political/tribal religion, with its main message deviated to satisfy the will of those two sects.
For both Sunnies & Shia, the main message became "attempting to build the convenient haven" for believers; the conflict was on who was meant to lead the haven.
Sunnies Believe it's the tribe of Quraish ( based on a Hadith ), Shia believe it's the "family of Ali (prophet's cousine)" ( also based on a Hadith ).
For both sects, that goal would be determined in the end of times at the hands of their version of Christ ( Al-Mehdi ). Also; based on a Hadith.
Forged and twisted, both parties forgot what the real message was; after all the Quran is God's word; not the Hadith.
God in the Quran, said that the prophet of islam was sent for this sole reason :
( Sura 34 Verse 28 ) And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know.
That is, to warn of hell, and to give tidings to those who do good.
No Islamic state or caliphate or Ali or Quraish was included.
There are no other reasons across the Quran, why Mohammed peace be upon him was sent.
( 97 ) So, [O Muhammad], We have facilitated the Quran by your tongue so you may give good tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people.
As my topic "how it was forged" discussed, after Mohammed's death, that main message was forgotten between the political & tribal conflicts, and the faith was forged to become yet another tool for people to rise to power.
The real message of Islam, is to warn people of hell, and give good tidings to those who believe in God.