Vitamin D deficiency, go out in the sun and sip some orange juice.
Seriously, in a country like ours you need to get that direct sunlight whenever you can. Easy to get depressed, drained and pained if you don't.
Article Wrote:The prevalence of tension-type headache and vitamin D deficiency are both very high in the general population. The inter-relations between the two have not been explored in the literature. We report 8 patients with chronic tension-type headache and vitamin D deficiency (osteomalacia). All the patients responded poorly to conventional therapy for tension headache. The headache and osteomalacia of each of the 8 patients responded to vitamin D and calcium supplementation. The improvement in the headache was much earlier than the improvements in the symptom complex of osteomalacia. We also speculate on the possible mechanisms for headache in the patients with vitamin D deficiency.
NHS Site Wrote:Most people can make enough vitamin D from being out in the sun daily for short periods with their forearms, hands or lower legs uncovered and without sunscreen from late March or early April to the end of September, especially from 11am to 3pm.
Seriously, in a country like ours you need to get that direct sunlight whenever you can. Easy to get depressed, drained and pained if you don't.