RE: The One Thing the Atheist Misunderstands
December 28, 2014 at 12:24 pm
(December 28, 2014 at 8:00 am)Chad32 Wrote: Well if god is the universe, I hardly see why we need to thank it. I could thank the tree in my back yard for doing what it does, but it would be doing what it does irrespective of what I do as long as I don't harm it. It doesn't care. I'm pretty sure the authors of the bible expected their god to be more than just the universe, since we're talking about theism. Not pantheism. The universe does not want converts. It will not reward or punish those in the afterlife depending on how much we thank it for existing.
This of course ignores all the other types of gods that people have talked about throughout history. It would be nice if we could figure out exactly what a god is, and what it can do, but since we haven't found one yet we can't really conclusively say what one is. Kind of like how you have different stories of what Vampires are, and what they can do, because it's a mythological creature that has yet to be produced and studied.
Why is a pantheist trying to push the bible on us anyway?
I think what the poster is trying to say is that by having a loving outlook on life and seeing all life as one, people would kill each other less and screw them over less as they would see it as doing it to themselves and before the eyes of God even.
Whereas otherwise it is pretty much up to the opinion of the individual to be their own God and decide for themselves the morality of their actions which seems well and good at first. But slowly over time it becomes easy to say ,"well this is an exception, this guy really deserves to be stolen from so i am not doing anything wrong even though I am stealing." This justification of doing bad things to others is the trouble with people seeing life as insignificant and of little value in a dead and lifeless void of dust specs in the wind.
Their actions to them may seem no big deal but the guy they stabbed may differ in opinion.
So i think the message here is that when you look at life as an atheist and believe NASA you have nothing between you and the justification of your evil acts upon others. We are dust in the wind who cares. To you it will all seem fair as fair gets. Who would know better than you right?
If you see all life as one and truly are grateful for the opportunity to, 'exist', for whatever reasons you may have. You would have the moral block against self-infliction of pain before you would commit an act of evil upon another as you would see it as doing the act to a part of yourself. To you it would be like stealing out of your own hand or stabbing your own foot. And therefore you would be much less likely to do so because that is how you honestly feel about it.
A concept that is impossible to conceive by a young person that has yet to ever consider the ramifications of what if everyone really did respect life and each other. What kind of world would we have then? A world without corruption. A world of peace and playtime. Art and love. Music and dance.
No war. There is no need for war, there are plenty of ways to settle the score with someone if we all help each other do it with genuine care and love for the situation as though it were our own.
Because we simply saw it that way.
Does this mean live in a magical fairy land of raindrops and lollipops?
Up to you but that sounds a bit puffy lol
it means respecting others and seeing them as though that could have been you, just as easy as it is them. it means realizing that loving each other has a multitude of benefits for all the future. And all of us being self-centered ego driven trolls is a future no sane person would want. You are currently almost entirely in such a world. Like it?
Now compare that to people being good and kind and strong at the correct times with wisdom and intelligence that has thought through the ramifications of their personal behavior in case it to spread to others.
For you young ones that do not yet understand i can explain it this way.
All that blood and gore in the movies looks so cool from a theatre seat.
Your mind will change about it when it is your best friends blood and gore dying in your arms because of the actions of some arrogant self centered egomaniac young man that does not believe in God therefore lacked the moral compass to understand the ramifications of his actions that he shortly thereafter did understand when the whole world came down on him for them and took his life for those actions. All the wasted life for what? For ignorance? How many must die before we learn? it can be REAL hard to learn these lessons. I would suggest taking advice from those that have been through it so you do not have to.
it is 'cool' to be tough. sure i get it. I'm tough enough.
but for the benefit of everything. not my greed not the companies greed not the governments greed. But for what will directly improve life for us all.
these are the thoughts in the mind of the older man that survived long enough to learn what really matters.
aka God.
Of course young people hate life they still live with their parents.....
It can get much better

like way.
like zomg.
like FREE.
Just a heads up^^