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...And then there are the days He is silent.
...And then there are the days He is silent.
I have shared many times that a 'christian'/one with the gift of the Holy Spirit can be in direct commune with God. This is a very real thing... Then there are days where I can truly empathize with most of you as the heavens close up and it is as silent as if God is not there. For those days (trial days) I go back to some of the things I experienced with God and I check myself spiritually speaking to try and determine if 'sin' is what is keeping me from God. If not or nothing that I can determine then I know I'm still on course, and God is with me. That I need only trust the "house" I built (the parable of the wise and foolish builder's house) and allow the winds and the rain to come down.

I say this because I am right at the moment going through some heavy wind and rain and I can't hear God over it all. Then I started to think about you d-bags just starting out. This can be devastating if you did not have the same past/resources I had in the past. So I decided to try something different. meaning rather than debate an issue I want to share or show you the process.

For that some back ground:
when I was 17 senior in high school my dad pulled me out of class towards the end of the year like at 10am. (Never did anything this before) I knew I was in it deep, because he said "we'd talk outside" when I asked what was going on.

Got outside and he loaded a canoe in his truck. (all I could think about was the fredo's death scene) long story short we went out to our favorite river and paddled down it to a small cabin in the middle of the woods. He basically told me my dreams of being an astronaut were not realistic (the literacy thing) so basically the money he saved for my 'schooling would be wasted if I tried to go to college. He said he could put me through votech school on some grants instead. Why? to buy that small cabin in the woods on a 1 acre lot.

I said yes! I would love to own a cabin in the woods on a river!!. He told me my school money would be just a down payment. that there would be 20 more years of payments.... Which meant I had to get and keep a job right away. I agreed. but by the time we made our offer it was sold. so my dad looked and just around the corner on a little lake was a 10 acre spot much bigger much nicer in everyway just no flowing water, and it was undeveloped. Long story short from the spring of 93  I had 15 years of 338.38 per month to Robert e Maxwell (the land owner) plus my "school" money for a down payment. As I was only 17 at the time the land went into my dad's name and was supposed to be split between us legally once paid. (Said he did not want me getting bored 1/2 way though and still get 1/2 the land)

So around 04 the housing market began it's bubble in that area, and land value quadrupled.. and wouldn't you know it the land was still in my dad's name. this was also the time I was really coming into my 'stride' with the Holy Spirit, and received direction daily. My dad turned hard from me and the work I was doing. He held my/our land out as ransom and told me to pick one (Wasn't just God but what I was doing for Him/Helping someone else) I chose God. He put the land up for sale. And that was the last thing that I said to him for 8 years. I was told he pulled an equity mortgage out on the land and he began to build a house on it in our quit time from each other. then I heard he spent the money on some get rich quick deal and it was all gone and he wasn't going to be able to make the payments so I just let it all go in my mind.

so around 2011/2012 started making amends with him (He changed) and from direction with God was able to forgive.. So now over the last 4 or so years been spending Saturdays with him. Then over the summer I saw the little cabin that started all of this come up for sale again. So I took him to it. we walked around it, and it was falling apart at the seams. we started talking and out of the blue he said stop at a office max, and he came out with a quick claim deed. a document that allows him to sign over land without any money being exchanged.

Turns out none of the family rumors were true, he never borrowed anything against the land. So instead of me buying that old cabin on the river he gave me my and his share. that was in august last year. in October we contracted a builder, month later the lender said we have to sell our current home, put it on the market, got an offer the first day for full price, but held out and took a smaller offer from a guy who was coming out of a one bed room with 3 kids a wife and mother inlaw. (Ours was a 3 bed 2 bath) So then wifie and I moved into a 5th wheel camper that we almost stole from the auto auction. (lord was with us that day, for our camper budget we got a massive 36 foot 5th wheel with 4 slides full fridge washer and dryer AND had money left over to buy my favorite diesel dually all for what we budgeted just for the camper! That was truly a God was with me day. I saw thing that prevented me from bidding on something we could afford but would have wiped us out, to God taking out our competition on the 5th was a perfect storm of buyers and equipment being eliminated, the right people wandering off at the wrong time and me being front and center bidding on a 5th wheel infront of a group of diesel pusher/class "A" RV dealers (People with absolutely no interest in the EXACT RV (if god could move heaven and earth to get me) THE one I wanted the MOST) for 2/3 of my budget. And we have been living in it since. (thankfully we got the bigger one because as nice as it was, any smaller and I think Trich would have cut my throat by now.) This among a couple of instances where I do 'pray/petition' God for crap I don't need is the reason I believe I can ask for anything if I am doing so for the right reasons.

but anyway by the first of the year they got their permits and impact and all of the county nonsense, tomorrow we are supposed to close on the builders loan. Problem is... We do not have the cash to close. we had the money in October was told it would take a while to get to closing. so we reinvested in inventory (refrigerated truck/vans). It's still cool out so most smaller stores and dinners are just wrapping their goods and using their car's A/C till it get too hot for all of that to work.

the real problem is, about a month ago the trials started. It began with the tight quarters in the 5th wheel. Nice but still not a house think 1 bed room apartment. another new thing I never experience. can't sleep in new RV without waking up in a night terror every two hours. (wake up in a panic and disorientated.)

bought a luxury car at the dealer auction, had a blown motor (selling dealer misrepresented the car was supposed to be perfect) the delivery company took so long to deliver the car the 10 day 'warranty' the auction provides expired. put in new very expensive motor wife drives it to new orleans and back and trans went out when she got back. put all of that back together literally Friday took it out to the mud hole Saturday with sister family and Parked the very expensive suv away from the mud, then someone knocked out all the glass and keyed it.. Didn't take anything, just a message to us 'city folk'. 10,000 worth of glass and 1/2 a alpine white paint job is what we will need to put it back together. that happened Saturday night.

Now again on top of that we have our regular bills, 7 reefer trucks, 5 commitments to buy, but no one is buying anything. a couple of those commitments to buy are over a month old. What is more than scary is that month or so of silence seems all the more deafening. No direction no guilty conscience for doing something wrong, just woke up without the reassurance God was with me. It's like missing my bolder 1/2

So now what do I do facing a literal tomorrow dead line for my construction loan closing?

1)we continue to pray and seek God. That is how I know you guys who say the A/S/K haven't. Because even after I found God I have not stopped seeking. no one who has found God would ever think about stop seeking Him. Again something is missing from me. I need to find it so then I seek. let alone try it one and go one to say you followed the example in Luke 11.

2)I check for outstanding sin. I look at everything in this given venture (which is why I started this in 1992-3ish) and drag out all the old family skeletons. I look at this deal to see if at any point I did something wrong to put myself here. Did I through any sin known or not at the time force myself into a position where I am now able to build on this land. For me here the answer is no. I did not take guilt or force this land back from my father even though it was due me. I reconciled and even forgot about all that it cost me (basically my twenties) and even after I reconciled it never came up. again 5 or 6 years later out of the blue he singed the land back over. He apologized and said he should had done this a long time ago. even looked at how I was funding this whole project, to make sure nothing was holding me sin wise there. As my wife to look as a mentor to look as far as anyone can tell including an open and honest self evaluation I could find nothing wrong there. So I tentetivley checked sin off the list as being the reason for God's silence.

3) Then now all that is left is the wind and the rain. Remember the parable of the wise and foolish builders. The wise man builds his house, faith, belief on the rock meaning a solid understanding of Jesus Christ/God the son. Then God the Father send the winds and the rain to test that house, that faith, that structure of belief. If the foundation or understanding is Good then your faith/belief will weather the storm. If however you have build you faith belief on a false idea or unbiblical principle of God then you faith will come down around you when God sends his storms.

That's where I am at a cat 5 storm parked off my door step and all I have to weather it is what I know God has done for me in the past. Meaning He would not have stepped up in the past if I were in the wrong. So now everything I believe and have preached here is being put to the test.

Even so I do not ask God to stop the storm I ask him to help me fix anything that may have been damaged in the storm. Why? Because I learned a long time ago that you go to God with an open hand because if you close it tightly around something it will hurt when God makes you let go, or he embitters that thing to the point where you hate it. So rather than ask God to stop the rain I ask God to help me survive it and when it is all over help me live with what has been taken away. In this case if God takes the land/house from us that in our hearts we freely let it go of it, even if this storm costs our business. Why? because it is better to hear and be with God with nothing, than to have everything and be without Him.

So in seeking direction I wanted to share what has been happening.. That said, I kid you not I put the period at the end of the first paragraph and one of the 'commit to buy' customers just put a closing date on the one truck we needed to sell!

I truly believe the rest will fall like dominoes, as we have need we will be given the funds. but we will see. I promise to post what happens this week good or bad as it happens.
RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
if anything i don't think god(s) care about humans petty issues if anything. Honestly if it were that simple to where god would have helped anyone
most natural disasters would have a brighter outcome.. but the sad truth there is non only for the survivors and not for the unfortunate who have died.
but yeah as a human speaking to another i hope everything turns out good for you Dirch i honestly do.

I may not be a man of god i don't like seeing my fellow human beings or anyone suffer or go through anything bad.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization join today. 

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RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
Silence is not surprising, there was never anything speaking.

The times when you thought there were, that was you making things up.

And still, I want you and your fam to get what it needs.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental. 
RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
Yeah Dirch i hate to break it to you some christians go through this eventually.
it's common because it was you yourself making god seem like he was there that is how it works.
i am a atheist i can say 100% there is a god or not because i never felt like he was there even then as a child
i had that shaky belief from the start.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization join today. 

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RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
(April 18, 2017 at 2:24 pm)dyresand Wrote: if anything i don't think god(s)  care about humans petty issues if anything. Honestly if it were that simple to where god would have helped anyone
most natural disasters would have a brighter  outcome.. but the sad truth there is non only for the survivors and not for the unfortunate who have died.
but yeah as a human speaking to another i hope everything turns out good for you Dirch i honestly do.

I may not be a man of god i don't like seeing my fellow human beings or anyone suffer or go through anything bad.

This is where we differ.. The money or the thought of loosing our house land is not the stressful thing here it is the silence. Which again I only share because as you will point out Every Christian goes through it. Some however do not understand it. I explain the silence and the hardship together as like being the wind and rain Jesus Himself warns us of that is coming to every Christian.

That said if you look at the history of natural disasters they are far more frequent here and now than their were even in our recent past. All of which is in accordance to what we have been told to expect in the end times. Yes it is a bad thing, but it has already been recorded as being apart of the "birth pains"/signs of the second coming.

(April 18, 2017 at 2:36 pm)mh.brewer Wrote: Silence is not surprising, there was never anything speaking.

The times when you thought there were, that was you making things up.

And still, I want you and your fam to get what it needs.

Well if you got through the wall of text, I do share with you that as soon as I began to write this we have a closing date on one of our bigger trucks.

To me what that says is my understanding of what has been going on has been justified and now I need to share with you all because maybe one or two of you are going through something similar.
RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
(April 18, 2017 at 2:58 pm)Drich Wrote:
(April 18, 2017 at 2:24 pm)dyresand Wrote: if anything i don't think god(s)  care about humans petty issues if anything. Honestly if it were that simple to where god would have helped anyone
most natural disasters would have a brighter  outcome.. but the sad truth there is non only for the survivors and not for the unfortunate who have died.
but yeah as a human speaking to another i hope everything turns out good for you Dirch i honestly do.

I may not be a man of god i don't like seeing my fellow human beings or anyone suffer or go through anything bad.

This is where we differ.. The money or the thought of loosing our house land is not the stressful thing here it is the silence. Which again I only share because as you will point out Every Christian goes through it. Some however do not understand it. I explain the silence and the hardship together as like being the wind and rain Jesus Himself warns us of that is coming to every Christian.

That said if you look at the history of natural disasters they are far more frequent here and now than their were even in our recent past. All of which is in accordance to what we have been told to expect in the end times. Yes it is a bad thing, but it has already been recorded as being apart of the "birth pains"/signs of the second coming.

i don't believe in end times natural disasters happen because they just happen i mean tsunamis earth quakes etc do happen because of the shifting of the plates. 
even other things such as hurricanes even volcanoes because in nature they do happen. Though there is man made earthquakes because of fracking.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization join today. 

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RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
Shit the end of the world again?
RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
(April 18, 2017 at 2:42 pm)dyresand Wrote: Yeah Dirch i hate to break it to you some christians go through this eventually.
it's common because it was you yourself making god seem like he was there that is how it works.
i am a atheist i can say 100% there is a god or not because i never felt like he was there even then as a child
i had that shaky belief from the start.

You right All Christians do go through this at one point or another.

How do I know you are right?

Because Jesus told us we will all be made to go through these types of trials.

That is what the parable of the wise and foolish builder is all about.

the reason I shared my trial with you all is to show you that if you are living through a trial and you check the things I said check and know where you are supposed to be spiritually as I showed then you can be comforted tat you are in a trial. Meaning the hardship you are being made to endure is testing what you know of God. If what you know is solid then God will pull you through based on your own understanding of Him.

It is like being able to call your shot in base ball or say God is going to come over that mountain ridge right ..... now and something appears Like me feeling the need to show you how to weather a trial and then the phone rings with our potential salvation as I start writing!

If however you do not know God... or you are working in sin... then He maynot/almst certainly will not show up for you.

Understand I am not saying I am a better person than you. I am simply saying if God has never shown up ever. then you have no idea of who or what God is supposed to be. God is willing to support a mustard seed's worth of faith in a tremendous way. If he hasn't, then nothing you know of God is true.

You have to take the time to meet and acknowledge Him who He is, He will not give life to your own fantasy version. that what the winds and rain do! They destroy your fantasy versions of God. So completely you can tell someone who has spent the last 20 or so years working directly with Him. Been bless Manny mannnny times over by Him. Someone who has had God Himself elevate far outside my station in life. I have far far more than what my education or personal status would afford me. That God can not exist. Even though I have been blessed with so much, and stood face to face. (Face to foot)

When in fact the best you can do is really say, your own idea of God does not exist and I know this because my god never showed up!

Here's the question you should ask... If you had an incomplete idea of God (no matter where it came from) why would God support it? because if God supported a bad idea of him then you would think that bad version of God to be accurate. Rather God sets a standard of Himself and we must A/S/K to find it when we do, we find God. God genuinely shows up. You will know it is God because he brings understand that you truly have no knowledge of. It can be like being uploaded 'kung fu' on the matrix.

(April 18, 2017 at 3:13 pm)dyresand Wrote:
(April 18, 2017 at 2:58 pm)Drich Wrote: This is where we differ.. The money or the thought of loosing our house land is not the stressful thing here it is the silence. Which again I only share because as you will point out Every Christian goes through it. Some however do not understand it. I explain the silence and the hardship together as like being the wind and rain Jesus Himself warns us of that is coming to every Christian.

That said if you look at the history of natural disasters they are far more frequent here and now than their were even in our recent past. All of which is in accordance to what we have been told to expect in the end times. Yes it is a bad thing, but it has already been recorded as being apart of the "birth pains"/signs of the second coming.

i don't believe in end times natural disasters happen because they just happen i mean tsunamis earth quakes etc do happen because of the shifting of the plates. 
even other things such as hurricanes even volcanoes because in nature they do happen. Though there is man made earthquakes because of fracking.

It's not the reason why that is compelling, it's the fact that someone who lived 2000 years ago was sent forward to record what he saw, and it is proving out to be accurate.

It's like just because you know how a watch is made does not mean their isn't a watch maker.

Do you understand??

Knowing how God does something does not mean God isn't responsible. or in this case knowing why there are more natural disasters doesn't mean God did not have someone record what he saw and had him describe it the best he could.

(April 18, 2017 at 3:18 pm)LastPoet Wrote: Shit the end of the world again?

not yet... I want to live in my house for a little while at least... can one or two of you heathens even contemplate being saved for a year or two so we can drag out the whole "triggering the end times by having no one else to save"
RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
..."silent every day since he was invented".

More accurate.

Playing Cluedo with my mum while I was at Uni:

"You did WHAT?  With WHO?  WHERE???"
RE: ...And then there are the days He is silent.
I hope everything works out for you, Drich.
"Of course, everyone will claim they respect someone who tries to speak the truth, but in reality, this is a rare quality. Most respect those who speak truths they agree with, and their respect for the speaking only extends as far as their realm of personal agreement. It is less common, almost to the point of becoming a saintly virtue, that someone truly respects and loves the truth seeker, even when their conclusions differ wildly." 


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