Whose facts are more out of whack Science OR the Bible?
July 9, 2011 at 10:41 am
(This post was last modified: July 9, 2011 at 10:42 am by Castle.)
My brother who is a pastor: We can’t talk about dinosaurs, or other ancient history on the other end of the scale, Richard Dawkins made a film called the God delusion in which I call the Religious delusion and an another film called the Enemies of Reason. He really created a serious cold war. Dawkins did state that 45% of American believes the world is only 10,000 years old. Given American math and science on ancient history lives more in Hollywood and bible land, these facts of delustion can be somewhat true.
Check this out
Creative evolution Creation Museum
Step into the prehistoric and biblical time of our world at the Creation Museum.
Made for 27 million dollars in Petersburg, Kentucky USA. The creation/evolution controversy is a debate about science, two views conflicting evolutionary humanism vs. biblical Christianity.
In the old English dictionaries, you won’t find the word for dinosaur, but you will find the word dragon. The word dinosaur was invented in the 1800s. Since the dawn of man the most primitive cave dwelling of 30.000 years ago, show no evidence of a dragon, yet there were fire breathing Dragon record in the bible. A massive flood once covered the earth some 4,400 years ago. The Bible, the universal book of truth and knowledge has no records of the 95% species missing before or after the time of the Ark. History of writing system began with small images used as words, 3200 BC recorded by a priest in the dynastic tablets. Egyptian believe the world was flat, like an island that sat on a body of water and the sky was a great canopy supported by a series of mountains the surrounded the area. Up to the 1500AD Columbus changes the views of most of people that the world is not flat. Most people internationally today, believe that man began 180,000 years ago. A bout half of Americans believes the World is less than 10,000 years old. The bible says the earth began over 6000 years ago. Scientist believes the jellyfish has lived for 650 million years old.
The Creative Museum is a Museum that presents origins of the Universe, Life, Mankind and man’s early history according to the book of Genesis. Earth and all of its life form were created 6015 years ago an over six-day period. The display shows dinosaurs like they were pets in your backyard. Young earth creationist claims, including the idea that human and dinosaurs coexisted, and the dinosaurs were in the Noah’s Ark along with the likes of T-Rex and all the other animal on the Ark were vegetarians until the boat returned back on land, then the carnivores drop their carrots and lettuce and return back to eating meat, how convenient.
Whose facts are more out of whack Science OR the Bible?
Check this out
Creative evolution Creation Museum
Step into the prehistoric and biblical time of our world at the Creation Museum.
Made for 27 million dollars in Petersburg, Kentucky USA. The creation/evolution controversy is a debate about science, two views conflicting evolutionary humanism vs. biblical Christianity.
In the old English dictionaries, you won’t find the word for dinosaur, but you will find the word dragon. The word dinosaur was invented in the 1800s. Since the dawn of man the most primitive cave dwelling of 30.000 years ago, show no evidence of a dragon, yet there were fire breathing Dragon record in the bible. A massive flood once covered the earth some 4,400 years ago. The Bible, the universal book of truth and knowledge has no records of the 95% species missing before or after the time of the Ark. History of writing system began with small images used as words, 3200 BC recorded by a priest in the dynastic tablets. Egyptian believe the world was flat, like an island that sat on a body of water and the sky was a great canopy supported by a series of mountains the surrounded the area. Up to the 1500AD Columbus changes the views of most of people that the world is not flat. Most people internationally today, believe that man began 180,000 years ago. A bout half of Americans believes the World is less than 10,000 years old. The bible says the earth began over 6000 years ago. Scientist believes the jellyfish has lived for 650 million years old.
The Creative Museum is a Museum that presents origins of the Universe, Life, Mankind and man’s early history according to the book of Genesis. Earth and all of its life form were created 6015 years ago an over six-day period. The display shows dinosaurs like they were pets in your backyard. Young earth creationist claims, including the idea that human and dinosaurs coexisted, and the dinosaurs were in the Noah’s Ark along with the likes of T-Rex and all the other animal on the Ark were vegetarians until the boat returned back on land, then the carnivores drop their carrots and lettuce and return back to eating meat, how convenient.
Whose facts are more out of whack Science OR the Bible?