My life changed alot when I left the church. I was once an extreme fundamentalist and literalist when it came to biblical interpretation. Although, I knew about parables and allegories within the scriptures the historical tales were considered true no matter how rediculous for example: the tale of Jonah and his living inside a big fish for three days and nights. I lived my life always looking for ways to please god, my life was never my own. I worked towards being as Christ like in my life as humanly possible. Because I dealt alot with demons and exorcisms I fasted once a week and prayed constantly.
God to me was my heavenly father and at the same time I feared him greatly. I wanted to please him at all times. But the greatest fear of all was the fear of going to hell and constantly thinking to myself: "if I died suddenly right now at this moment would I be worthy to enter into gods kingdom"? I wanted to make sure that my heavenly father was pleased with me at all times. And those times when I faltered in my faith I can honestly say that the fear was great and the guilt was unbearable. I only watched xtian programming on television, heard xtian music on the radio, and talked about Jesus everywhere I went. I preached at home, work, on the train, in the streets, you name it.
When I finally began to pull away from my former life and was able to justify my experiences through science and other disciplines I felt a release like no other. I felt free from what I now call spiritual oppression due to my extreme religiosity. I don't regret leaving the church and feel the my life is better for it. I don't feel a need for god and feel like I have my head out of the clouds and my feet planted firmly on the ground.
God to me was my heavenly father and at the same time I feared him greatly. I wanted to please him at all times. But the greatest fear of all was the fear of going to hell and constantly thinking to myself: "if I died suddenly right now at this moment would I be worthy to enter into gods kingdom"? I wanted to make sure that my heavenly father was pleased with me at all times. And those times when I faltered in my faith I can honestly say that the fear was great and the guilt was unbearable. I only watched xtian programming on television, heard xtian music on the radio, and talked about Jesus everywhere I went. I preached at home, work, on the train, in the streets, you name it.
When I finally began to pull away from my former life and was able to justify my experiences through science and other disciplines I felt a release like no other. I felt free from what I now call spiritual oppression due to my extreme religiosity. I don't regret leaving the church and feel the my life is better for it. I don't feel a need for god and feel like I have my head out of the clouds and my feet planted firmly on the ground.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition