Because it breaks the rules written formerly in the Constitution.
One of the rules was that the American people (the states individually) minted their own gold and solver monies. The Founding Fathers were smart enough to know that the biggest single part of being a sovereign not under the thumb they just crawled out from under was to control their own money. But when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, it made a private central bank owned by the same financiers that live on Thread Needle Street in London.
So the Amendment being unconstitutional has to do with it's breaking of fundamental rules in the same constitution. The personal income tax was a couple steps further of making permanent a temporary war tax on earnings above spendings. Taxing spending is fine (say the american tax revolters) but taxing income and spending is too much. I take more of a moral stance. If the Americans (or Canadians) would spend their money on things other than imperialism and war, subsidies on things that are detrimental to health and quality of life, Depleted Uranium and other horrible weapons, I would happily pay taxes. Happily. But the governments spend the money I give them in a very amoral way, so I have an obligation to not give them my money. If they threaten to put me in jail, I will laugh, because spending money to imprison me still does not make me pay taxes. So for some it is in the letter of the law, and for myself it is more of a moral call I had to make.
I have to keep telling that the "conspiracy theorist" label is like "anti-semite", it makes no sense and shows how much people are thinking what they are told to think.
One of the rules was that the American people (the states individually) minted their own gold and solver monies. The Founding Fathers were smart enough to know that the biggest single part of being a sovereign not under the thumb they just crawled out from under was to control their own money. But when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, it made a private central bank owned by the same financiers that live on Thread Needle Street in London.
So the Amendment being unconstitutional has to do with it's breaking of fundamental rules in the same constitution. The personal income tax was a couple steps further of making permanent a temporary war tax on earnings above spendings. Taxing spending is fine (say the american tax revolters) but taxing income and spending is too much. I take more of a moral stance. If the Americans (or Canadians) would spend their money on things other than imperialism and war, subsidies on things that are detrimental to health and quality of life, Depleted Uranium and other horrible weapons, I would happily pay taxes. Happily. But the governments spend the money I give them in a very amoral way, so I have an obligation to not give them my money. If they threaten to put me in jail, I will laugh, because spending money to imprison me still does not make me pay taxes. So for some it is in the letter of the law, and for myself it is more of a moral call I had to make.
I have to keep telling that the "conspiracy theorist" label is like "anti-semite", it makes no sense and shows how much people are thinking what they are told to think.