(February 5, 2016 at 6:14 pm)Drich Wrote:(February 5, 2016 at 12:14 am)RaphielDrake Wrote: No but I do need you to stop using the same laughing emote after three years. You should have the self-awareness to know how it makes you look by now. I deleted it and the insulting word salad that offered no information pertinent to our conversation. If you disagree about that decision I will welcome any valid justification for the presence of either. Otherwise; you're a grown man. Time to grow up. Pressing on.Thank you for correcting me. I know I act like a dick sometimes and I apologize. I'm just very insecure and need constant positive reinforcement to correct my anti-social behavior.
Quote:Does this mean you are also both right and wrong or are you one of the few lucky enough to be totally in the right? If so why do you have that special honor when there are many others who have "right/wrong" views who put in more time and study?What 'it' means, is like everyone else.. I am right enough to stand before Christ, and be judged. Probably a little more critically because I have taken the mantel of teacher.
As far as being right or Wrong... All I can say is I left absolutely nothing on the table. I feel i have used everything these last 20+ years to come to the truth I now have, and i work just as hard if not harder look at what I know and crossing it with everything I have been provided. One of the indicators I believe I have that some others may not... I feel I can reconcile the whole bible. apply it in such away as to answer any question given and leave no contradiction. Or rather in my 4 or 5 years here I haven't come across a question or conflict I could not resolve. does that mean every answer is right? no. It just means a have a basic enough grasp of the bible to navigate it without conflicting error. (so far)
Quote:So we're *all* going to heaven?we all no.. Only those in whom Christ judges a follower.. I don't have a copy of the lambs book of life, but I'm almost willing to bet the farm those who hate God in this life will not be on that list.
Quote: Of course theres an "unless" isn't there Drich. That would be unless we break the rules.But again, for the follower of Christ their is no rules...
The rules are only to show you are not born a follower of Christ, and is only used to judge those who do not follow Christ.
Quote:The thing about the rules, Christian morality if you will, is every Christian has a different interpretation of them.
again, I point back to what Paul and Jesus said: We are Completely free from the law unless we can not handel said freedom, then we are free to bind ourselves any way we like, and God will hold us to it. (use the rules we create, to judge us.) that is one of the reason I am pointing out the pit falls of pop morality in and out of the church.
For example We say killing babies is wrong, and 'good people' such as yourself judge God as unjust/immoral for killing what maybe 20,000 babies ever???
Then in the same breath you 'good people' will defend abortion.
What is abortion if not killing babies? How many have we killed since Roe-v- wade? 1.5 Billion!
Now looking back at how Jesus Slammed hypocritical pharisees of his day... what do you think his reaction would be to modern day pharisees?
Quote:Even within the same denominations. Its almost universally agreed murder is wrong but even that has an unless attached to it by some people.which again has been apart of the plan since the start of the church.
Quote:Let me give you a basic example you can relate to because its based on your views; If a Christian homosexual honestly interpreted Sodom to mean rape was wrong rather than homosexuality is he going to hell? If he is thats important. Because it means ignorance is no excuse.This is all very easily reconciled with the parable of the talents..
are you familiar?
Brief over view:
Wealthy land owner puts 3 servants/slaves in charge of a portion of money 'talent'=years wage for most.
Each was given to his ability.
The first slave got 5 talents
the 2nd got 3 talents
The 3rd got 1 talent.
Now The first two both invested and doubled what they were given. the third buried his talent because he did not want to loose it.
The master returned and commended the first 2 and they were rewarded and the 3rd was punished for not working with what God gave him.
Because we are all responsible to what God has entrusted us to have. This means money, skill, time, and yes mental capacity/understanding of the bible.
Now to apply this to your sodom guy, if God has only seen fit to give him limited understanding of him and his theology while incomplete by some standards, If was used to the best of his ability, Christ will judge this man based on what was made available to him rather than some impossible church/man made standard/morality.
Again the gospel according to the bible transcends 'morality' or the rules. Even so if all we can understand is life or righteousness by the rules we make then it is to those rules we are held. "What ever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Meaning for a person who can only be catholic then investing all 5 talents means being all out catholic. The same is true for the methodist or fill in the blank... This means for your gay guy if he is 5 talents in, rocking his 'partners socks off and staying away from prostitutes' then that is the standard in which he will be judged.
Look how I answered your first question.. I instinctively gave you an answer that puts me in a position to have used all that God gave me to come up with and share this message. Why? Because that knowledge is what we are judged by, not some stupid standard some man who wheres a funny hat makes... unles again that standard is all you can reason.
However, make no mistake God is no fool, in Hebrews 4:12 we are told The word of God (The word is another name for Jesus, we see this in John 1:1) is like a double edged sword in that he cuts our nature down very cleanly and thinly making all of our hearts intentions and personal thoughts transparent and known, and it is to those inner thoughts we will be judged, not what we pretend to know/dont know.
Quote:You do get the relevance of that to the discussion, right? Because if thats the case from your standpoint alot of people have had their Jesus Christ get out of jail free card revoked and are on their way to one hell of a barbecue.Again What we bind on earth/What laws we make will be bound/laws we are judged by in Heaven. What we loose on earth/Freedom from said laws, will be loosed in Heaven, meaning will not be held against us.
Quote:So no. Not a strawman. Nothing you've said has contradicted what I deemed some of your views to be.Really? what if I did not answer the questions the way you were so sure i had to answer?
Quote: You may think other Christians are in the right to some degree but you have clearly demonstrated over the years that you think your interpretation is the most right.Right is a word I am not able to use/judge.. Maybe a better word is complete. My interpretation is more complete/Better aligned with Scripture than alot of the atheist held views presented on this web site.
Quote:Thats important because obviously there has to be a line. A line where a Christian gets it more wrong than right. If thats possible what does that say about the communication skills of an omnipotent being?
Quote:Yes, I do like apples. I dislike mediocrity, stop trying to be insulting. You're not good at it.I was about to say something pointless and unrelated but I thought better of it because I've decided to be an adult. I honestly think this might change my life for the better.
"Navigate without error"? If the answer isn't *right* isn't that an error in itself? Do you not see how telling it is that you have to make a distinction between "right" and how you interpret the Bible? There are tons of passages which anyone could interpret to justify various violent crimes yet by your description thats alright as long as the people using them do the best with the "talents" they're given. All thats required of a violent bastard to get into heaven is that hes the best kind of violent bastard and following Jesus. He just needs to put all his ability to work and he gets a place on the glass elevator.
Who says who can and can't handle that freedom? Who makes that judgement call if theres no rules and all bets are off? They were using the talents they had been given as best they could to move toward a result they considered right so Jesus would be obligated by your interpretation to let them into heaven. Again, the only distinction seems to be what they believe.
Please, killing an amoeba would be murder from your logic. A cluster of cells is only life in the simplest possible terms. What is is, what will be isn't yet. This is a distinction that seems lost on many people.
If I masturbate instead of getting a woman pregnant am I responsible for murder there? The whole discussion is silly. Besides, there are plenty of Christians who support abortion and according to you they're going to heaven. So its fine.
By the way; if God were real he would be responsible for *way* more than 20000 dying. That was a silly thing to type. Especially considering the vast control over everything you attribute to him.
Moving back onto the original subject; from what you say all bets on morality are off. All that matters is that someone came to their conclusions on morality using the best of their ability then followed them to the letter. Oh and was Christian. Thats an important one.
Do you not see how vacuous that conclusion makes Christianity morally? Its basically; "Hey, make your own damn mind up... and believe in Jesus!

"That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die."
- Abdul Alhazred.
- Abdul Alhazred.