How to gain and lose a friend in 2 weeks.
May 2, 2012 at 9:10 pm
(This post was last modified: May 2, 2012 at 9:12 pm by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
About 2 weeks ago,I received a message on Facebook from a woman called K-- I worked with over 30 years ago. I had some pleasant memories,so we started writing.
Things went spiffingly for a week or so. Then I referred to my ex wife as'crune punt'---- WRRRONNNNG!!! I had not realised K--- is a radical,militant feminist. Got right off her bike. Seems I'm a misogynist, suffering from the "international gynaenophobic zeitgeist" .Then came an in depth psychological profile, with advice.
There was a bit of tooing-and froing. I apologised for any inadvertent offence, explained but did not apologise for my feelings and agreed to differ on ideology.
THAT was not good enough,there was a demand that I change the way I feel and effectively adopt a radical feminist view. The attitude sounded familiar, I don't know why .
I replied that I do not allow others to decide how I 'should' feel about anything or my values.That in any case I cannot change my feelings on demand. That I love and accept my friends as they are. I expect nothing more from them and will accept nothing less.
That was two days ago,no reply. Guess I should learn to be more tactful,but I probably won't. I will however stop referring to my ex as crune punt.
Things went spiffingly for a week or so. Then I referred to my ex wife as'crune punt'---- WRRRONNNNG!!! I had not realised K--- is a radical,militant feminist. Got right off her bike. Seems I'm a misogynist, suffering from the "international gynaenophobic zeitgeist" .Then came an in depth psychological profile, with advice.
There was a bit of tooing-and froing. I apologised for any inadvertent offence, explained but did not apologise for my feelings and agreed to differ on ideology.
THAT was not good enough,there was a demand that I change the way I feel and effectively adopt a radical feminist view. The attitude sounded familiar, I don't know why .
I replied that I do not allow others to decide how I 'should' feel about anything or my values.That in any case I cannot change my feelings on demand. That I love and accept my friends as they are. I expect nothing more from them and will accept nothing less.
That was two days ago,no reply. Guess I should learn to be more tactful,but I probably won't. I will however stop referring to my ex as crune punt.