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the hammer of homosexuality
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:01 pm)Drich Wrote:
(October 22, 2015 at 9:38 pm)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote: You know, you're right- that is totally  a reason to accept and follow Hinduism's Sanātana Dharma, "the eternal law" or the "eternal way".

Except it's 3000 years, not two.
It's almost like you stop reading/thinking when you think I walk into a standard atheist arguement...

Again, even false religions have something supporting what it is they promise. Now if leveling up for the next life is your thing, then that is a 3000 year old religion for you.. Just ignore the billions living in squalor and their failed attempts of 'leveling up.' I'm quite sure you could master it in a single life time while those born in that religion (for hundreds if not thousands of year) fail miserably even in this day and age.

Seriously, look beyond the obvious, at everything I am speaking about. Yes I made mention to a 2000 year history, and yes I know their are older religions, so why would I be standing on just the age of the religion? I very clearly pointed to 2000 years of kept promises. Not just vague promises either. I pointed to the fact that Christianity promises its followers the things that the eliete/prophets in other religions don't always get to experience. What's more these things happen in this life not the next so they can be verified! You can't make empty promises for 2000 years and hold a religion together. Look how fast people are abandoning the church once it started preaching empty prosperity doctrines. With in a generation it's been gutted.

So again whether in False religion or under the care of God, it all boils down to what you are looking for.

[Image: 2.gif]
A Christian told me: if you were saved you cant lose your salvation. you're sealed with the Holy Ghost

I replied: Can I refuse? Because I find the entire concept of vicarious blood sacrifice atonement to be morally abhorrent, the concept of holding flawed creatures permanently accountable for social misbehaviors and thought crimes to be morally abhorrent, and the concept of calling something "free" when it comes with the strings of subjugation and obedience perhaps the most morally abhorrent of all... and that's without even going into the history of justifying genocide, slavery, rape, misogyny, religious intolerance, and suppression of free speech which has been attributed by your own scriptures to your deity. I want a refund. I would burn happily rather than serve the monster you profess to love.

RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:11 pm)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote:
(October 22, 2015 at 10:01 pm)Drich Wrote: It's almost like you stop reading/thinking when you think I walk into a standard atheist arguement...

Again, even false religions have something supporting what it is they promise. Now if leveling up for the next life is your thing, then that is a 3000 year old religion for you.. Just ignore the billions living in squalor and their failed attempts of 'leveling up.' I'm quite sure you could master it in a single life time while those born in that religion (for hundreds if not thousands of year) fail miserably even in this day and age.

Seriously, look beyond the obvious, at everything I am speaking about. Yes I made mention to a 2000 year history, and yes I know their are older religions, so why would I be standing on just the age of the religion? I very clearly pointed to 2000 years of kept promises. Not just vague promises either. I pointed to the fact that Christianity promises its followers the things that the eliete/prophets in other religions don't always get to experience. What's more these things happen in this life not the next so they can be verified! You can't make empty promises for 2000 years and hold a religion together. Look how fast people are abandoning the church once it started preaching empty prosperity doctrines. With in a generation it's been gutted.

So again whether in False religion or under the care of God, it all boils down to what you are looking for.

[Image: 2.gif]

Dry Sand did you hack rocket man's account?
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:05 pm)Drich Wrote:
(October 22, 2015 at 9:47 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: There, their, and they're.

Please learn when to use each one, Drich.

Maybe you should have Siri just read to you if my usage of the word there, reduces your responses  to fish bait. (Red herring)

Yes, because I'm obviously the one who has the problem with employing language successfully....

*glances at his BA in Communication*
"I was thirsty for everything, but blood wasn't my style" - Live, "Voodoo Lady"
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
Or maybe... Naw.. Wait a tick, it all makes sense now. Rocket man is a sock puppet of dry sand! The sandy account is where rocket sand, puts his more creative works (response by YouTube and memes) and the rocket account is where he is a poe of a rock-it man!


Someone hit the report button and report this sock! (stimbo connected mine to a banishment bot named R2" carox")
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:17 pm)KevinM1 Wrote:
(October 22, 2015 at 10:05 pm)Drich Wrote: Maybe you should have Siri just read to you if my usage of the word there, reduces your responses  to fish bait. (Red herring)

Yes, because I'm obviously the one who has the problem with employing language successfully....

*glances at his BA in Communication*

Then maybe look up the red herring fallacy, and then Reconcile what the word "there" has to do with homosexuality, sin, God or even friggen rocket man being a sock puppet account of dry sand!!!
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:28 pm)Drich Wrote:
(October 22, 2015 at 10:17 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: Yes, because I'm obviously the one who has the problem with employing language successfully....

*glances at his BA in Communication*

Then maybe look up the red herring fallacy, and then Reconcile what the word "there" has to do with homosexuality, sin, God or even friggen rocket man being a sock puppet account of dry sand!!!

If you're being serious, you're more foolish than I thought.  Which is saying something.
"I was thirsty for everything, but blood wasn't my style" - Live, "Voodoo Lady"
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:16 pm)Drich Wrote:
(October 22, 2015 at 10:11 pm)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote: [Image: 2.gif]

Dry Sand did you hack rocket man's account?

No but me and him agree on  something though you are fucking ignorant and a bigot and a complete fucking joke so there for

Atheism is a non-prophet organization join today. 

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RE: the hammer of homosexuality
(October 22, 2015 at 10:52 am)Drich Wrote: Why? Is it your opinion that any of us, gay/straight you, me, the pope any less sinful than they are?
1) wtaf O_o I do not believe in sin, I said "the sin is homosexuality" because it happens to be the "sin" that we are currently discussing.

2) I rest easy placing myself in your "they" group. I'm not a part of your "us" Wink

Drich Wrote:
Losty Wrote:I don't give any fucks about what you see as righteous behavior. There is nothing good about making a person feel guilt and shame about who they are when they have not hurt anyone.

I agree, that is why I teach my kids to separate sin from who they are as a person, as Paul teaches in Romans. The bigger problem you all seem to be missing is the fact that our society has so gorded itself on self serving behavior that we have become what we 'eat.' Or in this case what we do. That we are Homosexual or Hetrosexual, rather than be a person first who then has this or that type of sex. That way like the north Koreans when anyone speaks critically about a behavior good or bad the individual can not separate themselves from their behavior. This is the Slavery to sin The bible talks about. Again just like the North Koreans are a slave to their state, Allowing a child identify with that one specific behavior, and allowing that behavior dictate who they will become, is the same as being a slave to the state.

The real debate should be on why we allow our children to view themselves this way to begin with. We as a society should not be focoused on what makes us different but what unites us and makes us the same.

We as a society need to stop focusing on whether someone's actions or behaviors (that do not harm others) are good or bad, and start minding our own fucking business. As parents, we should be teaching our children to embrace themselves for who they are and how they feel.

Drich Wrote:
Losty Wrote:Being homosexual and/or acting on homosexual desires is not morally wrong. It causes no harm and it is none of your fucking business

That's because 'morals change from society to society and from generation to generation. It is also why True righteousness has nothing to do with what is 'morally' right or wrong. It's solely based on redemption. Which means the true purpose of the moral law is only to show that we all need to be redeemed.

Define True righteousness and prove that it exists. Once you have done so, feel free to define redemption and prove that we all need it.

Drich Wrote:
Losty Wrote:Who I have sex with doesn't concern you and your opinion of it is irrelevant.
Which is why I prefaced this whole topic by saying I would only share these things with a homosexual who wanted to know God.

If a person wants to know god, who they have sex with does not concern you and your opinion on it is irrelevant. You can tell them all about your god and even that your god doesn't care for and/or hates homosexuality, but you have no business asking who they have sex with. People are perfectly capable of interpreting the information you give them about your religion. When you go on to tell them that they should hate the things they do and/or the way they feel (even though you can't control how they feel), that will translate to any vulnerable person that they should hate themselves. Spreading this type of message is borderline abusive and it should be contrary to your goal if your goal is to bring people closer to your supposed god.

Drich Wrote:
Losty Wrote:While you may reserve your right to have an opinion on the matter, the moment you try to tell me that I should hate my desire to have sex with women you are crossing lines you have no right to cross. And fuck you for that. When you say that I should feel true remorse if I have sex with a woman and ask your god for forgiveness....that is just fucking disgusting and cruel. People who have sex in any way that you consider to be a sin (without causing any harm to anyone), haven't done anything wrong.
Because again ever changing "morality" allows you to deem 'right and wrong' based on what pop culture feels at the time. Which is why Righteousness/God's Righteousness has nothing to do with the law or your understanding of 'morality.'

You misjudge me if you believe I base my morals on pop culture.
Define Righteousness/God's Righteousness and prove that it exists.
Drich Wrote:
Losty Wrote:Life is hard enough without assholes like you coming along and thinking you have a right to tell me that I should feel guilty for who I am. That I should repent desires that I have no control over. That I should deny who I am at every turn to appease your world view. No. Just no.
Life is 'hard' because you are a slave to the things you want to identify with, and you have traded personal freedom that God wants you to have for the demand that you identify your individuality with whatever self indulgent thing you want to do.

Life is hard because that's just the way it is. I was a slave to many things and many people for a very long time. I am not a slave now, nor will I ever be one again.

How I define myself probably varies depending on the context of a conversation, but when I define myself in general it's a lot more complex than just whatever things I want to do.

Drich Wrote:That is the cost of sin. So that when sin is identified as wrong you must identify yourself as wrong.

1) Define sin, prove that it exists, and then prove that it's bad.

2) The entire point of my original comment was that when you tell someone that how they feel is bad and how they behave is bad and they should hate it, it is likely that they will conflate that with you telling them that they are bad, that they should hate themselves.

It doesn't matter that you don't think they should react that way. It only matters that it is very likely that they will react that way. And it matters because you can harm people with words. You want to share your stinking god with the world, have at it. I just make a request that you choose your words wisely so as to not ruin someone's life.
(August 21, 2017 at 11:31 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: "I'm not a troll"
Religious Views: He gay


Hammy Wrote:and we also have a sheep on our bed underneath as well
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
Don't worry Drich. Proper grammar (and spelling for that matter) is one stone i cannot throw at you.

The discussion that the homosexuality issue causes is quite passionate.

the hinge of the hammer is if the reason for homosexuality is biological.

As i research i find that sexuality, specificly orientation of sexual desire, is little understood but science is making progress.

Take pedophilia for instance.


no one reason exists but biology seems to be at least a factor just like in homosexuality or heterosexuality for that matter.

The difference of course is that homosexuality hurts no one and in fact with overpopulation looming it may actually help us to a small degree. Most would agree that pedophilia is wrong or at least harmful to our society. Most would also agree that homosexuality is not the equal in damaging to pedophilia. The Christian says that all sexual "wrongs" are equal. You be the judge of that.

The communication breaks down between the believer and nonbeliever due to one simple fact.

The believer HAS to believe that his/her religion is divinely inspired. weather evidence against that notion is presented or not they MUST accept what their holly book says without question.

the nonbeliever looks at the evidence and draws the conclusion that religion is a man made tool. He/she finds what works in the present and uses it and dismisses everything else that doesn't as no longer useful and possibly harmful

At one time a small tribe like Isreal 4000 BC had no room for homosexuality because every baby counted. Tribal cohesion was vitally important so they set clear boundaries on ownership of women and sexuality to ensure a pure patriarch blood line and reduce problems. To enforce this they threatened the people with the wrath of a god.

Today we could do with a little less reproduction and women are no longer considered property.

Of course women still cause problems. that hasn't changed Rolleyes
RE: the hammer of homosexuality
If a theist (or anyone) personally thinks homosexuality is "wrong", whatever that means, it's up to them. They can think whatever they want. As long as they don't hurt anyone with that opinion, it's fine by me.

As soon as they step into anyone else's business, it's no longer OK. Sadly, it's often going to create a problem with any gay/bi children they have either having to pretend to be straight or getting worse treatment from them.

If God really does have a problem with it, how about leaving it up to him? If he wants to do something to them, let him do it. If he wants to punish them for it after they die, let him do it. Why exactly does he need anyone's help? Why do people need to go around pissing people off before God makes his own judgement?

Even if you're trying to follow the bible, it says to kill two men who have had sex with each other. But hopefully no Christian actually wants to do that. So this leaves you ignoring what the book says, and pretending that you're still getting some brownie points by being a bitch to gay people.

Or in reality, justifying being a prick because of your own insecurities using an old book.
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